[敗家] 日本可愛品牌Econeco夢幻馬戲團

又敗家! 大家一定又話我用唔完d產品,哈哈!! 其實我已經放棄左要用完化妝品, 護膚品都仲好d,因為我真係有用完既一日,但係化妝品? 唔。。。 大家唔好替我擔心,我通常都會將review完既野送俾朋友(佢地啱用又介意既話),或者做blog sale(大家可以用平d既價錢去試呢d產品)。 咁我又可以過下手癮同寫下新野,一舉幾得啦! 以下呢堆野係我同朋友一齊行個陣見到,原本佢都想買幾樣野,不過我叫佢唔洗啦,如果唔急既話,我做完我要做既野,佢啱d咩我送俾佢!! 呵呵,咁佢唔急,所以我就滑手喇~~全部野我都未用,不過係寫呢篇文章試色其間有初步感覺,所以我會寫埋出黎,你地有個reference,但係我會認真用下d產品,再做video詳細講下佢地既comment,應該8月係我去完泰國返黎就會做呢個video同Visee個review video喇。 大家有興趣既就等一等我啦~~ 我會盡量快手~~

(English:  Haul again!  Yea I know what you are thinking, you must be thinking that I could never “finish” all these items!  Dead right!  Indeed, I have given up the thought of using them all up.  Skincare products are better because I do use them up, but cosmetics??  Hmmm… Anyway, don’t worry about me, because I usually give some of these reviewed products away to my friends (if they don’t mind and they find something suitable), or they will appear in blog sale (then you girls can use a cheaper price to try something new).  The best part is that I could still try these newbies out, one stone kills a few birds!!  I saw the following items together with a friend, at first, she wanted to get a few for herself, but then I stopped her and said if she didn’t mind, I could give those she wanted to her after I reviewed them.  Luckily, she wasn’t in a hurry and she didn’t mind, so that allows me to buy a few things (happily).  I haven’t started using all of them, but during this post when I swatch the products, there are initial discoveries, so I will put them down for your reference.  I will seriously try them out in the next couple of weeks and then I will do a review video on this brand.  Please expect the video to be up somewhere in August after my Thailand trip.  I think the Visee product review will be somewhat around the same time as well.  If you are interested, please wait for me for a bit – I am trying to speed things up~~~)


係咪好靚呀!! 靚到我同我個朋友係Log On係咁叫(真係失禮),所以一見到就好好好心動啦! 見到咁靚既野,真都開心d~~ 我下面quote既價錢係Log On買既價錢(我係Log On買)。 但係我見FB有babies同我講話係阿信屋同759都有,同埋價錢平d。 我自己少行呢兩度,所以比較唔到。 你地行開可以去望下比較下。仲有,我發現佢地係日本品牌,但係d產品全部都係Made in Korea/Taiwan,我放埋係下面丫!

(English:  Pretty, aren’t they?  They are so pretty that my friend and I were actually screaming in Log On (yea please excuse us).  Yea we were tempted – I can’t deny the fact that when I see something nice, it lifts up my mood~~~ the following prices are Log On prices (I bought them at Log On).  But I also see on FB that other places like 759 have them too and they offer a cheaper price.  I personally seldom go to those places so I can’t compare for you, but if you pass by, you can take a look for sure.  Also, though they are a Japanese brand, their products are either made in Korea/ Taiwan, I will mark it down there as well.)

Econeco Airy Touch Foundation

價錢(Price):HK$128/ 10g


太靚喇~~~ 好可愛呀~~~

(English:  So pretty~~~  It’s really cute~~~)


Made in Korea



(English:  They offer two colors and mine is the natural one~~)

呢個聽網友話感覺良好,但係我未用呀~~ 不過我覺得帶出街好靚丫~~~

(English:  Some online friends leave positive comments on this product, but I haven’t given it a try yet!  Well well, but it would look so good inside my makeup bag~~~)

Econeco Animal Parade Eyeshadow Book


Made in Taiwan

呢個有d Majolica既影子! 佢有兩個色揀,一款係綠色,一款係啡色,我呢款就係啡色喇~

(English:  It reminds me of the Majolica eyeshadow book!  There are two color to choose from, one is green and the other one is brown.  Mine is the brown version~~)

我初步覺得下面個兩個色既粉質好過上面個兩個色,上面個兩個色摸落有d鞋同埋比較粗d。 下面個兩隻色就幼d同上色d!

(English:  My initial thought on this is that the texture of the bottom colors are better than the upper ones.  The upper ones feel a bit rough and coarse while the bottom two feel finer and more pigmented!)

Econeco Heart Ball Cheek Color

價錢(Price):HK$128/ 8g

呢個佢都係有兩個色,我記得一個係橙色,另外就係呢個粉紅色喇! d波波好靚,中間有心心架~~

(English:  I remember there are two colors to choose from, one is on the orange side and the other one is this pink one!  The balls are so cute with the hearts in the middle~~)

Made in Korea

我覺得個胭脂上色過個眼影喎! 出色不過感覺上個質感好粉! 要睇下上面持唔持久先!

(English:  I feel that the blush is more pigmented than the eyeshadows.  Pigmented but it feels very powdery on the hand.  I have to use it on the face and see how it’s keeping up!)

Econeco Hand Cream – Scent: Happy

價錢(Price):HK$88/ 30ml

Made in Korea

其實我真係唔需要更多hand cream,因為我屋企個d都未用完,但係真係靚得太犯規喇!!! 所以我買左一枝,佢有唔同味揀既! 我用左一次,覺得佢唔笠,不過好似唔係好夠潤,我再試下先,但係如果你鍾意厚重感覺既就可能未必啱你~

(English:  I agree that I don’t need more hand cream because I still haven’t finished the ones at home.  But it looks so pretty – how can I resist?  So I got one, there are other flavours to choose from as well.  I have used it once, I feel that it’s not sticky, but it seems like not moisturizing enough.  Let me try it some more.  But I got a feeling if you like something heavy, then this is not for you.)

Econeco Lipgloss

價錢(Price):HK$118/ 7ml

Made in Taiwan


(English:  There are 4 in total and I got all 4.  I don’t intend to keep them all and I will give 2 to my friend!)

我覺得佢好透呀! 真係lipgloss,唔會好出色,睇下你個人喜好啦! 如果想要好出色既gloss就唔啱喇~~

(English:  It’s really sheer!!  It’s those kinds of lipglosses which are not too pigmented!  So it really depends on what you like!  If you are looking for something with a bit more vibrant colors, then this is not for you~~)




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