
夏天唔經唔覺又到左, 又係敗美白防曬產品既季節喇20070421234007.gif!  但係我今年無咩心水, 所以都係諗住見到如果有興趣先敗.  上個星期行街, 醒起我枝Bioderma Cleansing Water就快用完, 心動想睇下買唔買得翻Swiss Balance枝Overall Makeup Remover (我之前行左好多次都無得賣), 就咁我就飄入左Sasa喇.  哈哈, 今次竟然有得賣wor (我去銅鑼灣恆隆個間, 要行到好入先見到), 佢地做買一送一, 我就即時敗左兩枝.  再俾大家睇下個樣先:

(English:  Summer is here!  It’s time for hauling whitening and sunscreen products20070421234007.gif!  I didn’t have a wish list this year, I thought I just went with the flow.  Last week when I was window shopping, I suddenly recalled that I almost used up my Bioderma Cleansing Water again.  I would like to switch back to Swiss Balance Overall Makeup Remover (I went to Sasa many times before and couldn’t find them), therefore, I tried my luck again in Sasa.  Haha…they were sitting there on the shelf and waving at me this time!!  Yay!!  I went to the Sasa in Hing Lung Centre, and I had to walk all the way inside to discover their existence.  They are on buy 1 get 1 free promotion.  I immediately hauled two bottles!  Let’s take a look again:)

Swiss Balance Overall Makeup Remover

價錢 (Price): HK$120 @ (buy 1 get 1 free)
呢隻野有幾好用我之前都share過, 如果之前無留意開既sister可以睇返片丫:

(English:  I shared my comment on this item before, if you haven’t watched my video (in Cantonese) yet, here you go:)

本身敗完想走, 點之我望望下見佢好似有隻新產品.  係美白防曬黎wor…哈哈…我將佢帶埋返屋企1188212833_062244.gif:

(English:  I wanted to leave but something caught my eye!  New product?  Yes, it was the new released day cream.  Haha…I brought it home without too much thinking1188212833_062244.gif🙂

Swiss Balance SPF 30/ PA+++ DNA Protection UV White Moist
價錢 (Price): HK$625/ 50ml (with 20% discount –> HK$500)
平時Swiss Balance d野都係白色packaging, 今次用藍色, 所以一睇就睇得出係新野.
(English:  Most of the Swiss Balance products are in white packaging, however, this time it’s in blue packaging, so I could tell straight away it’s a new product!)

入面除左隻UV White Moist之外仲送左佢兩隻皇牌, 就係Moisture Lift Mask (10ml) + Eye Contour Gel (10ml).  正wor,呢兩隻產品我之前都share過話係鍾意之選.
(English:  Apart from the UV White Moist, there are two star items inside the package –  Moisture Lift Mask (10ml) + Eye Contour Gel (10ml).  Great!  I love these two products as well.)
唔好講咁遠, 講返隻美白防曬cream先:
(English:  Well…let me come back to this UV White Moist cream:)

Product Information:
“UV White Moist is formulated with UVA & UVB sun filters, DNA protection peptide and various natural lightening ingredients which effectively defense sun radiation damage, repair DNA genes, boost the synthesis of new collagen and inhibit melanin formation.  The additional moisture-giving ingredients, provides a long-lasting moisture deposit on the stratum corneum and continuously compensates for deficits.  Keep skin moist, bright, fresh and young all the time.
Prior to sun exposure, smooth over cleansed and toned skin of face and neck.  Repeat the application in case of prolonged exposure to sun.  Suitable for all skin types.”
On the look:
On hand:

使用次數 (No. of Usage): 1 week
用後感:  呢期我覺得個太陽曬得我好乾, 所以我想搵d比較潤少少既day cream黎搽 (但係又唔可以太潤, 因為怕出粒粒 – 係…我真係幾麻煩).  呢隻cream個texture我好鍾意, 佢係比較稀身既cream狀, 好容易推開, 用少少已經夠搽sa成塊面.  搽上面個陣佢有少少涼涼地既feel, 好suitable for summer用.  仲有就係佢有少少lavender既味道, 朝早搽個陣會覺得好醒神.  佢係超容易比皮膚吸收, 基本上過左1分鐘, 佢就比皮膚吸sa喇! 摸落仲會覺得皮膚超滑.  我自己就當佢係makeup base咁用.  佢有SPF30, 我係office做野唔洗點出街, 所以都唔洗點補搽, 夠方便  我用左1個星期已經覺得皮膚光亮左, 同埋膚色變得平均左 (我夜晚無用美白野).  最正係我個面唔會覺得好乾.  係公司吹完成日冷氣返到屋企都唔會覺得皮膚又乾有鞋.  正!  呢隻cream做到防曬, 美白同保濕.  如果你地想搵隻多功能既防曬霜, 你地可以諗下呢隻丫!  我有兩個friend黎完我屋企玩完呢隻cream都就左去敗左喇 (真係快手20070218193700.gif)!
(English:  After-use Comment:  I felt that I got too much sunshine and it was drying my skin, so I wished to look for a more moisturizing day cream (but can’t be too moisturizing, as it might cause break out in this humid and hot weather).  I love the texture of this cream, it’s of a very light texture, very blend-able.  Only a tiny bit is enough to moisturize the whole face.  When I apply it on my face, I feel that it has a slight cooling effect, it’s perfect for summer.  Also, it has a slight lavender scent, it’s very refreshing to use in the mornings.  Furthermore, it gets absorbed into skin very quickly.  After 1 minute, it’s totally absorbed into skin and when I touch my skin after, skin feels sooooooo smooth.  Nice!  Personally, I use it as a makeup base.  It contains SPF30.  I sit in the office most of the time and I don’t really need constant touch-up with SPF30, it’s very convenient for me.  I have been using it 1 week, and I see my skin is improving.  My skin is brightened up and the skin tone is more even out (I haven’t used any whitening products at night).  The most amazing thing is my skin doesn’t feel dry anymore!!  Even staying in an air-con room for the whole day, my skin still feels moisturized when I arrive home.  Cool!  I think this is a good multi-purpose cream with functions in moisturizing, whitening and sun blocking.  If you are looking for a multi-purpose day cream, you could give this a go!  Two of my friends fall in love with this cream too!  Haha…I am such a devil20070218193700.gif!!)

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