[DIY] 方便環保省錢收納法

我上個星期因為想睇下自己敗家嘅風光偉績,所以用左幾個鐘頭盤點一下我嘅貨艙,又當係執下野咁。 執下執下我發現原來我收埋左好多護膚品嘅包裝紙盒(好似d亞婆 – 哈哈)。 唔即時掉d紙盒係有原因ga,因為有好多野我開左用緊,但係未寫review,所以我唔知到我寫個陣會唔會睇翻紙盒上嘅一d簡介。但係諗真d,我多數都係會上網search產品簡介,唔會點睇翻個盒寫d咩。 但係掉左又覺得好唔環保(你可以想像下我有幾多個盒)。我諗諗下不如將佢地變成儲物東東丫。有用得嚟, 又環保,而且仲要可以慳翻買儲物廂嘅錢添。

(English:  I wanted to get a feel of how many skincare/ makeup items I have at home last week, therefore, I used a couple hours to do some “stock-take”.  And I figured I could re-arrange some of my items as well.  During my stock-taking, I discovered that I had quite a few packaging boxes from my skincare products.  I didn’t throw them away when I started using the products because I wasn’t sure if I needed to refer to them when I wrote my reviews.  But didn’t I always get on the internet for product information anyway?  Throwing them away seemed to be such a waste though (you could imagine how many of these boxes I had).  Ah, why not make them into something meaningful, like a container?  It’s a useful, environmental-friendly and money saving (from buying the real containers) way to utilize these boxes!)


(English:  I admit that I am not a particular hard-working person.  If you asked me to spend a great deal of time to DIY something, I probably lose my patience.  So my method costs less than 2 mins.)

當你見到一個你覺得size唔錯嘅盒,你就將上面塊紙推入入面。通常兩邊都會有兩張比較小嘅紙,將佢地接埋入去,用雙面膠紙/膠紙痴好,咁就搞掂喇。係呀, 我都話兩分鐘唔洗(計埋痴膠紙)!以下就係其中一個完成品喇:

(English:  When you see a packaging box with the right size, push the paper on the top inside.  Usually on the sides, there are two smaller-sized paper, fold them inside too, either glue them or stick them well.  Then you’re done!  Well yea, I said less than 2 mins, didn’t I?  The following is one of my finished products:)

係我聖誕節收到嘅其中一個聖誕禮物!當然如果你覺得有好多個盒,每個packaging都唔一樣唔夠整齊,你都可以幫佢地扮下靚, 包下花紙。但係我就覺得每個唔同都幾好feel,同埋如果再加工,即係話又用多d紙,咁對我嚟講符合唔到我本身想環保嘅原則,所以我無再同佢地打扮喇。

(English:  It’s from one of my Christmas presents!  Hmmm…if you feel like you have too many boxes with different packaging, you could wrap some nicer papers around them.  For me, I like the fact that each one is a bit different and if I have to wrap papers around them, that means I use up more paper – that doesn’t go with my being environmental-friendly theory, therefore, I love them as they are now.)


(English:  I made a few during my “stock-take” day.  The more I made them, the more useful I found them.  Let’s see what I have use some of them for:)


(English:  I use one for my hair accessories.  These things are tiny and they have to be stored well, otherwise, I’d end up losing them all.  Now that they are all very tidy sitting in a box, I feel so much better!)


(English:  I use another one for containing larger-sized samples.  They are so neat now.  I have a few others which are used to contain those samples in sachet packaging.  Then I could just go to those boxes when I have to be on trip to see if there is anything useful for me.)

我諗我咁滿意嘅原因係可以廢物再用,同埋唔洗特登浪費金錢走去買儲物廂(d size未必啱)。 加上有佢地嘅幫手,而家我個貨艙變得好整齊,人都舒服sa!如果你地屋企都有好多呢d盒,你地都可以試下呢個方法丫! 唔錯架!

(English:  I am really content right now since I could re-use the boxes and I don’t have to spend money on buying additional containers (the sizes are usually not right).  Now with the help from these fabulous boxes, my room is super tidy now (and I feel so much better)!!  If you have a few of these boxes on hand, you could try this method too!  Works really well!!)

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