[保養] 貴婦玫瑰花水 Diptyque Infused Facial Water

Diptyque除左香水,蠟燭等等既產品之外,佢係唔係好耐之前出埋skincare(唔係好多產品,得5件),我亦都中環IFC mall間Diptyque偷偷地去敗咗返黎! 我又唔係好想做敗家video(無咩特別野講),所以直接開咗其中一兩枝產品黎用,諗住直接用左再分享啦! 其中最急不及待開既就係呢枝花水,因為佢係玫瑰味!! 哈哈!!!

(English: Diptyque has recently gone into the beauty industry by releasing a range of skincare products!  After hearing the news, I did sneak out to IFC mall to get the whole range of them (5 products in total).  I didn’t want to do a haul video because I have nothing too special to say about them.  Instead, I started using 1 to 2 items, thinking that I will review them directly!  One of the items that I couldn’t wait to try is this Infused Facial Water.  Why?  Because it smells like rose!!  *Grins*)

Diptyque Infused Facial Water

價錢(Price):HK$585 (after 10% off)

Product Information:

“This water is enriched with Damask rose hydrosol and infused with nasturtium – to bring out your complexion’s natural radiance – and a blend of nine traditional plants and flowers. It is also bursting with the vitamins, minerals, and moisturizers skin needs while preparing your face for the next skincare steps it deserves. (150ml)

Results: This treatment revitalizes and energizes, reveals skin’s natural radiance, and optimizes the moisturizing potency of all creams.

Directions: Soak a cotton ball or pad with Infused Facial Water or pour directly into palm and, with the fingers of the other hand, apply by gently tapping over face.”


(English:  It comes with a pump, it’s convenient and easy to control the amount to use.)

Made in France.





使用次數(No. of Usage):14 times

用後感:好天然玫瑰既氣味,聞到都好舒服! 佢係好水既toner,你睇相都見到我隻無敵乾既手搽完佢即刻保濕哂! 我覺得佢保濕做得好好,但係又唔會笠! 用cotton pad抹上面感覺啱啱好,隔一小陣就吸哂,皮膚即時見到好保濕同埋摸落好滑呀!! 哈哈~~ 同埋我覺得佢保濕效果都持久,我試過用完佢之後唔係即時搽野(唔好學我),但係都keep到成個鐘都唔覺得乾!! 掂!! 我覺得呢枝東東好正呀,無敗錯呀!! 不過,以玫瑰水黎講,佢既價錢真係好貴婦,同埋用得好快呀!! 呢點要睇下你自己接唔接受到喇!! 


(English:  Product Review:  It smells really natural and very rosy, it’s definitely pleasant!  It feels very watery and as you can see from my picture, my very dry hand got really hydrated right after rubbing this water on!  The hydration side is brilliant and not heavy at all!  I use a cotton pad with this and it lands just the right amount of product on my face, give it a couple seconds and it gets absorbed.  Skin feel instantly hydrated and smooth to touch!  Hahaha~~~  I find its hydrating result quite long lasting, I have tried using only this and then haven’t applied other skincare products on immediately, the hydrating effect lasts around an hour!!  Very nice!!!  I really love this, and I haven’t regretted that I got this home!!  However, I have to say for a rose water, its price is not friendly at all and I seem to use it up quite quickly!!  So you really need to see if you are happy with this!!)

如果你既budget OK又想試新野,我好推呢枝玫瑰水! 如果唔係呢,我覺得Thayers Rose Toner都一樣好用啦,係感覺無咁貴婦jer,但係效果都差唔多! 隨你個人喜好!!

(English:  If your budget is fine and you want to try new stuff, I highly recommend this rose water to you!!  However, I think Thayers Rose Toner works just well (the only difference is that you don’t get the luxurious feeling).  Entirely up to you!!)



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