I bought this Dior 5 Couleurs Eyesahdow Palette for a while but I literally forgot to swatch and record my findings here. I have a feeling that if you love natural eye makeup, you will love this. Read on.
Dior高級訂製五色眼影 No.559 Poncho HK$610
Diorshow 5 Couleurs Eyesahdow Palette LINK


Diorshow 5 Couleurs Eyesahdow Palette series comes in 17 different colour combinations, I think you will be able to pick one that you like. However, sometimes with too many choices, we get a bit confused, no worry I am here to help. If you enjoy natural eye makeup look, I think this one might grab your attention. It’s earth-toned, the deep brown on the bottom right is matte while others are shimmery. The shimmers just add lights to your eye areas without being overwhelmingly glittery.
我覺得配色非常好,沒有多餘的顏色。如果想隆重一點就五個顏色都一起用,但是如果比較日常的話用兩至三個顏色都可以了,沒閃的深啡色也可以作為眼線,挺實用的。粉質幼細,容易暈染,顯色度不錯。 右上角的那個顏色是疊加閃粉色,所以比較不顯色。這個我就用來完妝之後想比較閃的位置就疊加上去。整體上我覺得這一款使用到度挺高,可以日常亦可以比較隆重一點,我自己非常喜歡。你也可以去專櫃看看啊!
I find the colour combination is coherent and it doesn’t have any “odd” colour. If you want more of a full glam look, then use all 5 colours; if you want more of a day-to-day look, then just 2-3 colours would do. The matte brown can be used as an eyeliner, so it’s quite handy. The powder is finely milled, easy to blend and with nice pigmentation. The only colour that’s less pigmented is the one on the upper right. I use this to add more “light” to a particular eye area as the last step. Overall speaking, I find this palette very practical, it can be used for both day and night and I love it. Be sure to check it out at the Dior counters if you are interested!