Dior Holiday Couture Collection Total Matte Smoky Palette

另一個我今年覺得好值得入手既一個palette,你有睇我尋日個video既話,你知呢個版本我買咗兩盒唔同色,我最終決定keep Total Matte Smoky呢盒,而另外個盒我就係Instagram (@iamhakme)做緊giveaway,你有興趣可以去join呀! 所以今日既分享我淨係可以同你分享一盒,哈哈~~~

(English:  Another palette which I think is a great buy this season, if you have watched my yesterday’s video, you know I got both colours.  Finally I decided to keep this Total Matte Smoky one and I am giving the other one away on Instagram (@iamhakme), if you are interested, you are welcome to join!  Therefore, today I just have one palette to show you~~)

Dior Holiday Couture Collection Total Matte Smoky Palette HK$550

Dior Holiday Couture Collection Total Matte Smoky Palette

Dior Holiday Couture Collection Total Matte Smoky Palette

Dior Holiday Couture Collection Total Matte Smoky Palette


Dior Holiday Couture Collection Total Matte Smoky Palette

左1-3係唔閃眼影,右1係眉gel(所以試色圖出唔到色)而右2係眉粉。不得了,佢三隻眼影色好好好滑呀,而又好出色,所以我好impressed!!! 顏色方面又好大路,一定用得到!右邊眉既部份都好實用! 我覺得如果你鍾意唔閃眼影既話,你一定要去睇呢盒,我用過咁多唔閃眼影,Dior呢盒個質感係最滑架!加上佢唔似Tom Ford咁天價,所以算係親民少少,我覺得顏色你啱既話就唔好諗喇,買啦!!係呀,我好激動,好少有唔閃顏色粉質咁好呀!! 好讚!!

(English: Left 1-3 are matte eyeshadows, right 1 is brow gel (that’s why colour is not showing on swatch) and right 2 is brow powder.  OMG!  The 3 matte eyeshadows are super smooth and pigmented, I am totally impressed!  The colours are easy to carry and practical for a normal day or smoky look!  The brow part is nice to have too!  If you are in love with matte shadows, you MUST check this one out.  I had used quite a few matte shadows before but nothing compares to this!  This is truly the most finely milled one I have ever touched!  Plus, the price tag is not as scary as Tom Ford’s, it’s definitely a wee bit more affordable.  If you would wear these sort of colours, don’t wait, go and get one!  Yes, I am really really excited because the quality of the matte shadows is just superb!!  BIG thumbs-up!!)

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