[化妝] Dior Eye Reviver Illuminating Neutrals Eye Palette

早前入手咗呢盒眼影,但係一路唔記得放咗去邊,原來係隱藏咗係我堆衫入面,好奇! 終於揾翻佢出黎又可以同大家研究一下喇。

(English:  I got this a while back but I couldn’t find it in the house for some reason, guess what, it was hiding within my pile of clothes – how strange!   Finally I brought it to light and it’s time to investigate together!!)

Dior Eye Reviver Illuminating Neutrals Eye Palette



(English:  They say first color on the left is a base primer, the middle four colors are neutral eyeshadow shades and the first on the right is a gel liner.)



用後感: 我見左一話係眼影打底,我好心急畫黎畫去,唔係眼影打底,佢都係粉狀,最多可以叫做base color。 佢個顏色接近肉色,所以可以中和翻眼皮既顏色,可以令之後上既眼影色出真d同埋易blend d,但係佢係無能力令眼影更持久啦!! 大家平時有搽眼影打底霜既話都要搽翻!左二至左五都係閃底,閃多閃少啦。 我覺得左四同左五比左二同左三出色。 上面既圖係無打底,左二同三要畫三下,而左四同五就兩下已經好出色。 全部粉質都好幼細同埋易blend,感覺良好。 不過到個眼線膏,我覺得佢乾乾地咁,唔係一畫出黎就好黑,要係咁補,一般啦! 我覺得佢個concept係好,如果將左一換咗真係eyeshadow primer,同埋將個眼線膏整濕少少就完全係perfect,因為我想像到去旅行會無敵方便,而家因為個眼線膏乾乾地,所以有少少扣分,叫好過無丫!眼影顏色我都覺得大路實用,有深有淺都好易handle同配搭! 唔錯唔錯。 係咪好推? 我覺得如果你好想買又唔mind佢個眼線膏乾乾地既話係good既,因為我自己都好愛佢眼影既顏色,但係如果唔係特別有興趣,我覺得無需要啦~慳翻d錢買其他野~


(English:  Product Review:   I saw that it says the 1st left color is a base/ primer, I was really excited to play with it a few times, well, no it’s not a base/ primer, it’s in powder form, so at most it can only be called “base color”.  Since its color is quite close to skin color, it can neutralize the uneven colors on the eyelids and enhance the pigmentation and blend-ability of the eyeshadows to be applied after.  However, it doesn’t enhance the longevity of the eyeshadows, so if you are used to applying a primer underneath your eyeshadows, please continue to do so!  2nd left – 5th left are all shimmery based color, just the intensity of shimmers is different.  I feel that 4th left and 5th left are more pigmented than 2nd left and 3rd left.  The above swatches are the result from no primer, with 3 strokes on 2nd left and 3rd left while 2 strokes on 4th left and 5th left.  All powder is very finely-milled and easy to blend, definitely feel nice on the eyes.  Now we are moving onto the gel liner, I feel that it’s of a quite dry texture, which makes it not easy to apply (have to redraw and redraw the same line) – not my ideal type of gel liner!  I love the concept of the palette but it would be better if 1st left is changed into a true eyeshadow primer, and moisten the texture a bit for the gel liner, it would have been perfect!  And it would perfect for traveling!!  Since now the gel liner is on the dry side, my excitement is dying down.  I love the color of the eyeshadows, very practical and easy to handle!!  Do I recommend it?  Well, if you are in love with the shades and you don’t mind the gel liner is a bit deserted, it’s a good go because I do love the colors inside this palette.  However, if you are not very hyped up about this, I would say “no need”, you probably can save your money and buy something else~~)

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