Dior Diorskin Nude Air Luminizer in 001

呢期對所有既highlight/ luminizer既產品都好有興趣,老實講我以前對呢d產品都麻麻地,不過唔知係咪上網睇人用得多,睇睇下又覺得好有興趣(唉,女人)。今日想同大家分享下我之前入手咗既Dior Luminizer。

(English:  I have been really obsessed with anything to do with highlight and luminizer lately, honestly, I didn’t bother before but I think it’s because I had been brain-washed by various beauty gurus online and now I am like – Hell YEA (lol, woman!)!  Today I want to share my thoughts on the Dior Luminizer that I got earlier.)


Dior Diorskin Nude Air Luminizer in 001 HK$500


呢個係屬於液體狀既光亮東東,可以放係cheek bone位置做highlight或者mix落粉底液入面等過妝感光亮d。 佢好稀身亦都好易blend開,搽完皮膚覺得好滑身又唔會笠,但係我唔知係咪我膚色問題,我搽完唔覺得光咗呀! 好似無咗野咁,同我皮膚係保護色一樣。 哈哈~~ 我試過搽cheek bone當highlight,但係又唔係真係好睇得到。 我又試過mix落粉底,又唔覺得有咩好唔同,反而mix佢落一d好matte既粉底入面,效果出黎係無咁matte既,不過我又覺得作用唔算好大啦。 就係咁,我唔特別建議呢個產品。 如果你要highlight/ luminizer/ strobing產品,我覺得市面有好多唔同選擇,我唔覺得呢枝有咩咁特別喇。

(English:  This is a liquid luminizer, it can be used on the cheek bone area as highlight or mix into your foundation so that the finish is more dewy looking.  It’s very liquid-y, super easy to blend.  After application, skin feels really smooth and it’s definitely not heavy.  But I am not sure if it’s because of my skin tone, I don’t feel any luminizing effect.  It looks like nothing on my skin!  *Laughs*  I used it on my cheek bones as highlight but I didn’t really see it after.  I tried mixing it into my foundation but I didn’t feel any difference on the finish.  I did try mixing it into my very matte foundation and yes the finish is less matte, but I don’t really see the point.  Therefore, to conclude, I don’t recommend this.  If you want highlight/ luminizer/ strobing products, there are so many to choose from in the market, I don’t feel anything too special about this.)

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