Dior Capture Totale One Essential係咪真係The One?

生日個陣好驚喜地收到skincare products做birthday present, 仲要送比我個個friend係男仔, 真係超感動 (我無講過話我想要, 但係佢竟然諗到送呢樣比我, 仲要自己去做research去買, 唔感動就奇).  雖然過左我birthday好耐喇, 我都要再講多一次, “A, thank you very much!”  我收到無即刻開, 因為我當時仲用緊其他野.  哈哈, 上個月終於開左, 一用愛上.  再睇落去就明啦:

(English:  I was very surprised when I received this skincare product as a birthday present, especially when it was given to me by a male friend.  I had to say I was super touched (I didn’t say I wanted it, but he thought of this special gift by his own research and he picked it up himself – it’s hard not to get emotional.).  Even though my birthday seemed long time ago, I’d like to say thanks again – “A, thank you very much!”  I didn’t open it straight away when I got it, as I was finishing up some other stuff.  Hahaha, I finally got it open last month and I immediately fell in love.  Read on and you’ll know why:)

Dior Capture Totale One Essential Skin Boosting Super Serum

價錢 (Price): HK$880/ 50ml (USD120/ 50ml)

Product Information:

為女士們逆轉時光、重塑年輕時肌膚的緊緻、細嫩與光澤,綻放由心而發的真正美麗:唯有One Essential 完美活膚要生素。
Dior One Essential 完美活膚要生素為全球首支透過幹細胞修護科技研製的抗老化非凡精華素,全面倍效驅動肌膚修護。One Essential 能深入幹細胞剔除毒素,讓肌膚維持恆久美麗,永遠綻放青春光芒。
可徹底改善所有肌膚老化跡象 (皺紋,緊緻度下降、色澤暗啞),全因One Essential 完美活膚要生素能倍效之後使用的護膚品內主要抗老化活躍成分**的效用,呈現青春亮澤的美肌。
One Essential – Dior 抗老化技術的新一步:
– 首次施用,便已驅動肌膚修護,提高肌膚即時亮澤度,美肌瞬間呈現。
– 日復一日,肌膚重拾年輕時的緊緻亮澤,徹底更生修護。

(English: “
Push back the limits of age-defying effectiveness to enhance the Beauty of Women: this is now possible with One Essential.
More than a simple serum, it is the 1st Universal Skin Boosting Super Serum by Dior.
By eliminating the toxins*, One Essential achieves to exceptionally revitalize skin to heighten the youthful appearance of the skin.
All the visible signs of aging (wrinkles, loss of firmness, uneven skin tone) are intensively corrected. Applied before other treatments it boots its performance amplifying the targeted effectiveness of major age-defying active ingredients** for exceptional youthful appearance.
One Essential, the first fundamental age-defying step by Dior:
– From the first application, skin regeneration begins, skin is instantly brightened. It is visibly more beautiful. 
– Day after day, skin reveals newfound youth: firmer and radiant. Is is intensely repaired”


使用次數 (No. of Usage): 5 weeks (@ night)

用後感:  佢個texture係稀稀地既lotion狀.  我初初估佢係anti-aging野, 唔知會唔會好lup.  無呀!  一d都唔lup.  我通常泵3下搽sa全面.  佢係好快就比皮膚吸收sa.  用左佢一個星期到就見皮膚既情況開始穩定左.  我之前咪成日話無啦啦出粒粒, 但係又好乾, 用左佢一個星期呢d問題就無sa喇 (笑).  我而家都用左個幾月, 我覺得我d皮膚真係好左.  先係毛孔 (係aging個隻) 細左, 同埋皮膚既彈性好左好多.  佢anti-aging呢個function真係好好.  同埋用左佢咁耐, 我見皮膚無話覺得特別乾 (我成日係air-con地方), 我forehead有一條小乾紋, 而家都唔見埋lu, 哈哈.  另外, 佢even out skin tone個function都做得好好, 我呢排雖然好tired, 但係皮膚都依然好有光澤!  你話我係咪非愛佢不可丫!!  仲有另外一樣野就係, 我發覺用左佢之後, 再用night cream, 個night cream比就咁用吸收好好多呀!  正正正!!  超推呀!!!  原本我初初都覺得佢有d貴, 但係用左一期見佢各方便都做得咁好, 我而家覺得佢係物有所值 (好多其他serum都要HK$1xxx – 2xxx啦).  如果你想要搵一隻效果好好既anti-aging serum, 我超推呢隻呀!!  快d去試下個texture丫!!!

(English:  Its texture is of a light lotion form.  At first I thought because it’s an anti-aging serum, it would be quite heavy on skin.  I was so wrong!  It doesn’t feel heavy at all!  I usually use 3 bumps to apply on my whole face and it gets absorbed into skin very quickly.  After using it for a week, I noticed that my skin started to stabilize.  I previously mentioned that I got some skin problems like super dryness and sudden allergies, all these were gone after I switched to using One Essential.  I have been using it for more than a month now and I have to say my skin never feels better.  First, my aging pores have now shrunk and my skin elasticity has increased dramatically.  Its anti-aging function is fabulous!  Now my skin feels moisturized (even though I stay in air-con places most of the time) and the amazing thing is my little fine line on my forehead has left me alone *smiles*!!  Wonderful.  Also, it’s great in evening out skin tone as well.  I have been extremely tired these days, but my skin still looks radiant!  What’s not to love about this One Essential?  Oh, another thing I discover is that after using this prior to night cream, the night cream gets absorbed way better!  Absolutely amazing!!  Super recommended!!  At first, I thought it was a bit pricey, but now I think it’s worth every penny (in consideration that some other serums cost around HK$1xxx – HK$2xxx).  If you are looking for an high performing anti-aging serum, I’d recommend this to you without any hesitation.  Go and try out the texture!!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.dior.com)
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