[保養] 神級去腳皮機 Dead Skin Remover

不得了!!我俾腳皮困擾咗好耐,我對腳因為以前著high heels又成日著鞋唔著襪,所以搞到好粗同埋好多死皮。就係因為咁,我成日都唔敢以涼鞋示人(太恐怖,我唔想影響市容)。 我之前唯一既辦法一係就去俾人修腳,或者自己係屋企磨。但係我覺得兩個方法其實都唔係方法,因為出去整都好貴(around HK$400/ time)同埋last得唔係好耐。 如果自己係屋企整, 我覺得效果唔係太好,淨係可以話去下皮咁!! 但係我終於揾到個終極解決方法,超興奮,要即刻同大家分享下先(我知應該好多人都有我呢個問題)!

(English: Brilliant!!! I have been bothered by the dead skin on my
feet for so long due to obsessive high heels wearing and I don’t usually
wear socks with my flats. Hence, my feet become rough and have so much
dead skin. Because of this, I am not confident to wear sandals at all
(just too horrible). My previous ways of making the situation better
were only 1. Go to get my pedicure done or 2. Do it myself at home with
some blades. However, I didn’t like both methods that much because a
pedicure is expensive (HK$400/ time) and it doesn’t last too long. When
I do it at home using blades, I don’t feel that the result is fantastic
(it removes some dead skin but not much)!! And now, I think I have
found the perfect solution to my problem and I am really excited, so I
have to share this piece of news with you really quickly (I think many
people do have the same problem?)!!)

Emjoi Micro-Pedi

價錢(Price): £33.05

Buy It From: Click Link**

**Use coupon code “HAKME” to get 10% off your purchase  (can be used on other brands as well, code is valid till July 7th)


Product Information:

“The MICRO Pedi unit is a ground-breaking device that effectively buffs away dead, calloused skin on the feet with minimal effort. You can get smooth, soft heels in a matter of minutes and enjoy a pedicure in the comfort of your own home.

The MICRO Pedi unit from Emjoi is safer than metal scrapers that use blades to cut the skin, using a unique micro-mineral roller that spins an impressive 30 times a second to painlessly remove layers of hard skin. And with the micro-roller doing all the hard work, you can achieve the best results with minimal effort.

Complete with two smoothing rollers, pink for coarse skin and blue for extra coarse skin, this MICRO Pedi is gentle on soft and senstitive skin yet rough on tough feet, ensuring that you get the best treatment possible for your tootsies.”

我上網揾到呢部機!!係專係去腳部死皮!! 男女都用得啦!!我一開盒就俾Mr Honey搶咗去玩,佢玩緊個陣仲狂講話勁得!!!哈哈!!

(English: I found this Micro-Pedi machine online and it’s designed for removing dead skin on the feet. It’s suitable for both male and female. When I just got the box open, Mr Honey was so excited that he had to play with it first. While he was playing, he kept saying, “it works!! It WORKS!!” *Laughs*)

佢係好似男人d shaver咁大部,用乾電,所以好方便。同埋一開著,個roller就會自己轉動幫你磨皮喇!! 

The size is similar to a man’s shaver and it is used with a couple
batteries. When it’s switched on, the roller will spin automatically
and removes the dead skin for you!!)

你買部機,佢跟兩個roller,一個係跟機身,另外一個就送俾你,等你可以換! 另外要再買roller替換都得架!!不過我諗一個roller都會用好耐先要換啦!! 

(English: When you get the machine, it comes with two rollers. One is on the machine itself and the other is a spare, so that you could change it when the first one is worn out. If you want to get additional rollers, you can too! But I think one would last for quite a while before the need to change!)





(English:  This photo only showed the one time effect, the photo didn’t show obvious results.  But in real life, the dead skin feels a lot thinner!!)

使用次數(No. of Usage):3 times

用後感:強烈大愛!!!係,真係超興奮!! 佢真係超方便,開著咗就係要磨既位來來回回就得喇。 唔會好似自己磨咁又要就位又要出力(出到一身汗)。 磨既時候唔大感覺,係有少少痕痕地咁!! 我覺得用呢部機安全好多啦,如果自己磨都會怕刀片整到流血,用呢部機就唔會有咁既情況出現!! 仲有就係用刀片磨出黎個表面唔會平滑,但係用呢部機磨出黎個表面係好平均!! 好正呀!!! 佢可以用係腳爭,腳底既厚皮/ 死皮。因為我腳指尾都有死皮,所以我都會用呢部機既邊邊碌下腳指尾,都work呀!! 我超級愛呢部機呀!! 我覺得我一d都無揀錯佢!! 太太太好用喇!!提一提,用部機磨個陣會將d死皮變咗粉末咁既,所以會有飛粉(皮)既情況出現,如果唔想整到一屋都係,咁就好係shower room到磨,或者墊張towel/ 報紙先磨,咁就唔會整到一屋都係喇!呢部機真係超級無敵掂!! 雖然部機好似有d貴,但係如果出街修腳仲貴,同埋部機可以用好耐,我覺得超級值得投資!!如果你都有腳皮呢個問題,我超級推介你買一部,你一定會愛上架!!! 我遲少少都會各買一部俾Baba同Mama,佢地成日同我講話佢地對腳有好厚既死皮,行路有時好痛,我會買俾佢地等佢地唔洗用刀咁危險!! 正正正,超級推!!快d買啦,click link就得喇,全球免運費: Click Link (記得check個陣用HAKME拎10% off。 優惠去到July 7th)!!!

(English: Product Review: I am totally in love!! Yes, I am super excited about this!! It’s super convenient, you just have to switch it on and then roll it on the target area. It’s just effortless when compared to using a traditional blade because you have to adjust your position and you have to use some force. When it’s doing its job, you don’t feel it too much, apart from some tingling feeling. I feel that it’s a lot safer to use this machine because I am always skeptical that using a blade carelessly would bleed my feet. Also, the finished surface from a blade is still not smooth, however, the finished surface from this machine is a lot smoother. Absolutely brilliant!! It can be used on heels and bottom of the feet. The side of my little toe got some dead skin as well, so I use the side of the roller to roll it on the area, it worked!!!!! Now I happily break up with the dead skin on my feet!!! I am SUPER HAPPY!!! I love this so much because it works really effectively!!! Just a reminder, when you are using this machine, it turns your dead skin into a powdery form, so when it’s in use, there is occasion of dead skin flying around. If you don’t want to mess up the area, I would suggest you to use this in the shower room or put a towel/ newspaper underneath your feet before kicking off the process. I adore the machine and have no complains at all. Even though it looks expensive, it’s more expensive to get a pedicure done and this machine can definitely last for a long time. I feel that it’s worth every penny!! If you have similar problem as mine, I highly recommend this machine to you and I know you will love it!! I will get 2 later as well, one for my dad and one for my mom because both of them tell me from time to time that their dead skin on their feet makes walking difficult. So I will get them one each so that they could ditch the blades!! Love love LOVE!!! Highly recommended!!! Come on, go get one now from the link, free shipping worldwide: CLICK LINK (remember to use HAKME during check out to get 10% off, code is valid till July 7th!!)



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