[時尚] 淘寶好物+ Daily Dolly飾品

好似好耐無淘過寶!其實我覺得淘寶真係要好有心機時間去慢慢睇慢慢研究。我呢期真係未必有咁既心機,但係上天都唔對我不薄,我身邊有淘寶達人!哈哈!! 佢睇完揀完就話俾我地知邊間好d,d野值唔值得買。 掂!! 我之前就係睇睇下佢既分享(如下),無啦啦俾佢推埋落火坑。

(English:  It’s been awhile since I hauled anything from Taobao.  Taobao is a very time-consuming platform but you will be able to get some good stuff if you are willing to invest time!  I don’t have much time these days… however, it’s not the end of the world because I got to know a Taobao Expert!  *laughs*!!  She investigate and tell us which store/ product is good.  Brilliant!!  A week ago, I was reading one of her sharing (as follows) and I was so tempted that I went on Taobao and hauled some stuff!)

配件@淘寶 (Accessories @ Taobao)
我愛淘寶 (I Love Taobao)

不過好彩樣樣野都好平,所以燒得唔傷!哈哈!!! 我好鍾意呢個豹紋袋丫!一見佢分享我即刻都要買翻個,無計啦,我係豹紋控!

(English:  It’s a bliss that everything is cheap, therefore, I didn’t scream when I was hauling *laughs*!!  I love leopard print bag and when I saw hers, I was like, “OMG!!  I have to have this!!!”  Well well well, you all know that I am a leopard print lover!!)


(English:  Brilliant bling bling bag!!  I just love how bling it is!! *laughs*)

另外我呢期係咁行Hysan,見到Daily Dolly係Hysan有舖丫!我幾鍾意佢d袋(不過越嚟越貴)同埋佢既飾品!本來想買翻玩香香既飾品,但係睇睇又覺得大路d我應該會帶多d!

(English:  Also recently I hang around in Hysan a lot and there is a Daily Dolly store!  I quite like their bag (but getting more and more expensive) and their accessories!  Originally I wanted to get some fun design using Chanel’s logos and such, but then I thought maybe not.)

我越睇就越鍾意對耳環,感覺好retro同埋好有型!! 真係超鍾意!!! 哈哈!!

(English:  Ha!  The more I look at the ear-rings, the more I love them!!  They look so retro and stylish!!  Super in love!! *Winks*!!)

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