點可以搵到我之前d Post呢? How To Search a Particular Hakme’s Blog Post?

我既文章越黎越多, 好多時候我自己都會search翻某d blog post黎睇翻下d價錢, 又或者double check下我寫左某一樣產品未.  我諗你地有時都會想睇下我有無講過某一樣產品, 如果叫你地去categories逐篇搵我真係覺得太殘忍, 而我個blog入面個search engine又唔係好生性, 咁不如我講個簡單既方法比你地聽, 等你搵我d post會方便d丫:

(English:  My blog posts are accumulating at a rapid speed.  Sometimes, I do locate certain pieces to check back on the prices, or even double check if I have written about a certain product.  I could imagine some of you who wish to check and see if I have commented on a certain item.  If I ask you to go to categories and browse around, that could take forever and it’s a bit cruel, not to mention the search engine in my blog is not very good.  Why don’t I share a tip with you so you could locate my blog posts easier:)

1. Go to google.com.hk
2. Key in “hakmebeauty” + “anything you want to look for”.  Example: “hakmebeauty clarins”
3. Hit “search”

4. You will see the any related post come up in the search:

我覺得呢個方法唔錯, 希望幫到大家啦.

(English:  I quite enjoy using this method, hope it helps you too!)

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