Book Review: Counselling for Toads: A Psychological Adventure by Robert de Board


Many people recommend this book called Counselling for Toads: A Psychological Adventure and I have seen it in book store so many times.  I wasn’t sure what it was about so I wasn’t interested enough to pick up the book.  Then one day, I was browsing on Kindle wondering what to read, it was on rental (I didn’t know Kindle offers rental service), since the price was greatly reduced, so I rented it.  

Counselling for Toads: A Psychological Adventure LINK

呢本書係一位心理醫生寫,用一個對話嘅方式去講解一啲好內在好深入嘅心理層面。 故事大概就係一隻Toad有抑鬱症,佢啲朋友擔心佢,所以叫佢去睇心理醫生。講真我初初睇嘅時候完全冇乜期望,我亦都係抱持一個開放嘅態度一直睇落去。 當我睇到中至尾段嘅時候,我就覺得佢講嘅嘢喺度平日生活都會留意得到,我就開始覺得非常之有趣。 我一路睇就一路諗我身邊有邊啲人嘅行為係類似佢講緊嘅嘢,因為咁樣可以更加生活化去理解,從而就會覺得越嚟越有趣。

The book is written by a psychologist and he used a conversation style to explain some deep psychology theories.  The story is about the Toad being depressed, his friends worry about him so much that they suggested him to go to a psychologist.  Honestly, I didn’t expect much from this book, so I was really open-minded when I was reading it.  When I reached the middle to the end bits, I started to get fascinated.  I was reading and thinking (at the same time) whether I had people around me behaving like the book described.  This lively approach makes things more interesting.

呢本書有提及到內在小孩同埋我哋嘅童年點樣影響我哋對呢個世界嘅睇法。 佢亦都講到我哋人生中其實有唔同既state會導致到我哋不知不覺間會玩咗一啲心理遊戲。 因為作者用咗動物同埋一個好輕鬆嘅手法去講解一啲好深嘅理論,所以好容易明白之餘,本書亦唔會太長又唔會太悶。 

The book does touch on inner child and how our childhood shape the way we see the world today.  It also mentions throughout life, we go through different states which contributes to some of the “subconscious mind games” that we are playing.  Since the author uses a light-hearted approach to explain some very complex theories, it helps us to understand a lot better and not fall asleep.

我睇完晒呢本書之後終於都明白點解其他人都咁推介,我覺得就算你好似我咁對心理學冇研究,但係鍾意了解吓唔同嘅人嘅內心狀況或者點解某啲人會有某啲行為,我覺得你會喺呢本書度有所得着。 當然啦,因為本書唔係太長,所以亦冇好深入去講解每一個理論,但係我覺得呢個就係佢引人入勝嘅地方。因為俾咗個大方向你,如果你對某一個部份有興趣嘅話,自己可以喺其他書上面了解嗰個部份多啲。 如果你都鍾意了解吓唔同嘅人喺咩心理狀況之下驅使佢哋做唔同嘅舉動,我好推介你睇呢本書。 我覺得當我哋可以了解唔同嘅人嘅出發點,世界或者會多啲愛同埋包容。佢有中文版,唔想睇英文版嘅朋友可以去書局望吓中文版。

After finishing this book, I do understand why it’s highly recommended by others.  If you are, like me, not particularly want to dig into the psychology world but are interested in human behaviour, I believe you will enjoy this read.  Of course, since the book is not too long, it couldn’t dig really deep into each theory and give a lengthy explanation, but this is just the beauty of this book.  It gives you an overview, and if you are interested in a particular subject, you can always gather information/ knowledge from other books.  If you are interested in how one’s inner state affects one’s behaviour, then I would highly recommend you to read it.  When we are able to understand different perspectives, maybe the world will be filled with more love and understanding.  It does come in Chinese as well, so if you don’t want to read it in English, go to the book store and check out the Chinese version.  

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