[敗家] 網上敗半價天然品牌Comvita護膚產品

做YouTuber/ Blogger真係有度好,就係我可以講我鍾意既野同埋有好多藉口敗家(以分享為理由)!!哈哈!!其實我未做YouTuber/ Blogger既時候都已經係咁架喇,只不過而家真係可以同大家分享,大家鍾意睇我又鍾意講,所以你話係咪我無做錯YouTuber/ Blogger丫!!! 好喇,講翻正題先。 話說之前我有個朋友,佢話Melvita係呢個網站做緊半價叫我睇下有無野啱。 咁我入去個website度睇,原來係PrivateSales.hk。 我個friend send俾我個陣我睇睇下唔記得咗,所以買唔切(錯失良機添T.T)!! 之後我就一直都留意下個網睇下佢有冇減價喇!! 俾我睇睇下,今日終於睇到佢有另外一個品牌喇,就係Comvita!!

(English: Being a YouTuber/ Blogger is really nice in a way that I can share what I really like and dislike. Plus, I can have the excuse to haul quite a bit (yea since I have to share my thoughts with you all)!! *Laughs* Indeed, I was like this before my YouTuber and Blogger life, the only difference is that now I can openly share my thoughts with all of you (not just my friends). I am still very pleased that I decided to blog almost 4 years ago. Right, let’s get back on track. Well, one day my friend sent me a website telling me that Melvita was on sale (50% off). Then I went onto the website and it was PrivateSales.hk. I did want to get something at that time, but then I somehow was caught up with other things, so I missed that opportunity (so sad T.T)!! After that, I started to browse this website from time to time to see if there were other great deals on!! Nice!! I found something today!!! Comvita skincare is now on sale on PrivateSales.hk!!!)

先講下個website先,佢地係專同品牌合作,以最強既優惠去俾我地呢d鍾意敗家既人可以以平過門市既價錢去買到唔同品牌既貨品。 個concept同一d美國網站都好相似(我遲d再介紹下我另外一個朋友近日迷上既網站)。 呢個website過癮在係佢成日會有唔同品牌,當佢地做緊一個品牌既優惠既時候通常都會有時限!!  

(English: First let me run you through a bit on the website. Their concept is to do different collaboration with different brands and offer us (consumers) great deals (usually much cheaper than retail). Its concept is very similar to some of the US based websites (and I will share separately on those since one of my friends got really hooked on one of the US websites). So you will see different brands on sale on this website and usually they are only available for a certain time frame. I personally find this very interesting!!)

以今次呢個Comvita sale為例,今次既優惠係半價(太正喇!!!!)。 個sale今日開始,去到21號就會完結,所以想買要快手喇,唔係過咗就無喇!!  

(English: To quote an example, Comvita’s skincare products are on sale and they are half priced (brilliant!!!). The sale starts today and ends on 21st. So if you want something, you have to act quickly, otherwise you will miss the good deal!!) 


(English: See the count-down below? It tells you when the sale is going to end!!)

平時我通常都會收到產品先同大家分享係邊度買,用後感等等!! 但係今次呢個我等唔到,因為如果當我收到產品先去同大家分享,我相信呢個優惠都去到尾聲喇。 所以不如我講下我落咗咩單丫!!  

(English: Usually, I will share my haul after receiving the goods. However, I can’t really wait this time because if I do wait, then when I get the products, it might be approaching the end of the sale. So this time, I tell you what I’ve got instead!!) 

其實Comvita呢個品牌最出名係佢既蜜糖! 佢既護膚品我都未用過! 之後我就做下research,佢既護膚產品全部都係天然成份。 咁佢整honey呢d食得落肚既產品都整得咁有名,我直覺覺得佢做護膚品都一定唔會差得去邊!! 女人要買野都要做research,所以我用我今日既食飯時間睇下外國有無咩人review過佢地既護膚品!! 哈哈!!我見Australia有d blogger都講話佢既產品好用,而咁啱係PrivateSales度有賣既產品都佢地其中既一d主打產品!! 睇完之後好興奮,所以就即刻買咗以下呢幾樣野喇!! 半價,試下都無咩所謂!!

(English: Actually the most famous product from Comvita is their honey!! I haven’t tried its skincare before, so I went online to do some research. Their skincare products are all natural. It makes a lot of sense to me and I think if they can make edible products so well, their skincare shouldn’t be too bad!! When a woman comes to buy something, researching reviews is a must, so I utilize my lunch time today and looked for some reviews from foreign bloggers. Yay!! Some Australian bloggers have talked about the products before, so their comments were positive. And the best part is that the products that are available on PrivateSales this time are some of their star products as well!!! I got so excited after reading all those, so I immediately decided that I wanted to try the following. All half priced, so it wouldn’t hurt my purse too much!!)

Travel Set 2 

Original Price: HK$499 and Now: HK$249.5

 Set Include:

Gentle Smoothing Cleanser 30ml
Replenishing Night Moisturiser 15ml
Intensive Hydrating Mask 15ml
Nourishing Hand & Nail Cream 30ml

Travel Set 3

Original Price: HK$439 and Now: HK$219.5


Set Include:

Olive White™ Brightening Cleansing Lotion 30ml
Olive White™ Brightening Hydrating Lotion 15ml
Olive White™ Brightening Night Lotion 15ml
Nourishing Hand & Nail Cream 30ml

Nature’s Pack

Original Price: HK$319 and Now: HK$159.5

Pack Include: 

Deep Cleansing Bar

Nourishing Bar

Gentle Beauty Bar

係咪好平丫?? PrivateSales入面仲有其他產品,但係我覺得佢既travel set太過吸引,如果淨係想試下佢d產品又唔想買大大枝,我覺得都可以揀個travel set!! 有興趣就click下面條link丫!!記得要register咗先睇到佢既private sale呀!!

(English: Very good deal eh? There are other products on Privatesales website. But these travel sets caught my eyes. If you want to give their products a try but you don’t want to commit to a full size, travels sets are a good way to start!! If you are interested, please click the following link!!  Please be reminded to register first to view their private sale items!!) 

PrivateSales.hk x Comvita Sale (July 15 – July 21)

(the above pictures are captured from privatesales.hk)



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