Colourpop Super Shock Cheek Swatches and Review

上個星期出左Colourpop片,今日同未來幾日都試埋其他Colourpop既產品俾大家睇下。 今日先講咗佢既胭脂同光影先:

(English:  I released the Colourpop video last week, so today and the next few days, I will keep issuing the swatches for you.  Today I want to go over their blushes and highlights first:)

Colourpop Super Shock Cheek USD8@
Buy from: link

Colourpop Super Shock Cheek

Colourpop Super Shock Cheek

Colourpop Super Shock Cheek

Colourpop Super Shock Cheek

Colourpop Super Shock Cheek

From Left to Right: Cruel Intentions, Birthday Suit, Never Been Kissed and Fox

Birthday Suit同Fox係有少少帶閃而Cruel Intentions同Never Been Kissed係無閃。閃既程度係好輕微,其實如果唔近睇,係唔會點睇到。 我覺得佢地既顏色顯色,佢既粉質好滑,用掃上面效果都自然。 而佢地亦都有好多唔同顏色可以選擇。咁既價錢,我覺得都好值得入手。

(English:  Birthday Suit and Fox has a slight sheen while Cruel Intentions and Never Been Kissed are matte.  The shimmer is very light and if you don’t look at it up close, you won’t be able to tell.  I feel that they are pigmented, and if you use a brush to apply the colour on your face, it looks rather natural.  Also I love the fact that there are so many different colours in the range to choose from.  With this price tag, they are a good one!)

Colourpop Super Shock Cheek

Colourpop Super Shock Cheek

From Left to Right: Electric Slide, Kaepop Glo Up, Avalon and Most Necessary

我覺得佢呢幾款光影既質感好特別,係粉狀,但係摸落滑既程度好似cream咁。 佢地全部都超級上色,好閃。 好似我係video入面講,佢地閃得黎光感好強,但係唔會覺得係一粒粒閃粉,我覺得呢幾粒都好正,反而係深色既我地可能會少用到,但係如果你鍾意金底光影,我覺得Electric Slide好值得入手。

(English:  I find the texture of these highlights very interesting, it’s powder but when I touch it, it almost feels like a cream.  All these are super pigmented and glow-y.  Just like what I have said in the video, they give out a good glow but you don’t see that much of a glitter.  I really love these few babes, for the darker colours, we might not be able to use them regularly, but if you enjoy a highlighter with a golden base, I would highly recommend Electric Slide.)


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