Colourpop Cream Gel Colour and Cream Gel Liner Swatches

今日黎到最後一日講Colourpop,試埋d眼線俾大家睇我就可以講其他野,如果欠大家用後感既話將來既video或者blog post會補翻~

Today comes to the last day about Colourpop, let me swatch some eye colour and eyeliners for you and then I can move on with other items on my list.  Some of the products, which I owe you my comments, will appear somewhat later in another video or blog post~


Colourpop Cream Eye Colour USD6@
Buy from: Link

Colourpop Cream Gel Colour


Colourpop Cream Gel Colour

Colourpop Cream Gel Colour

From Left to right: Swerve, Get Paid, DLTA and Brew-haha

好耐無用過眼線gel,見佢有好幾粒就入手左。 初部覺得幾creamy幾上色,我要真係用完上眼再同大家分享用後感, 睇下佢持唔持久各樣。再report丫~

(English:  I hadn’t used any eyeliner gel for a long time, I saw a few nice colours, therefore I got them.  With the initial watching, I feel that they are quite creamy and pigmented but I will test them on my eyes to share my further thoughts.)


Colourpop Cream Gel Liner USD5@
Buy from: Link

Colourpop Cream Gel Liner

Colourpop Cream Gel Liner


Colourpop Cream Gel Liner

Colourpop Cream Gel Liner

From Left to Right: Get Paid, Best O, Swerve, No Shame, Fast Lane and Exit

Get Paid真係一個超靚既顏色,用黎做下眼線好超級閃同靚! 另外我都用左黑色! 我覺得好易畫好上色,我對眼唔油所以無甩既情況出現。 如果眼油既話,我就唔敢答呢佢會唔會甩喇。

(English:  Get Paid is a very pretty colour for the lower eyeliner, it’s shimmery and it’s very eye-catching!  I have also used the black one.  So far, they are easy to use, easy to draw and pigmented.  My eyelids are not oily, so they stay pretty well.  However, if you have oily eyelids, I can’t say for sure if these would stay or not.)


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