[保養] 夏日限量清爽涼快Collagen Gel

好好好耐無用過Dr. Ci:Labo既產品喇!! 我記得我好細個個陣買過佢既collagen gel,當時係大熱產品(而家都係),我記得我都幾鍾意。 不過之後成日唔係好見佢既counter,加上又有太多brand想試,整整下自己都好耐無explore過呢個品牌。 前嘅日gooodapple送咗幾樣產品想我試下同分享一下,我見到Dr. Ci:Labo既collagen gel,開心到即刻開黎用,用咗幾日喇,想同大家分享分享!!!

(English:  It’s been a really long while since I last used Dr. Ci:Labo products!!  I remember when I was younger, I did try its very famous collagen gel and I quite liked it.  However, due to the fact that I haven’t seen its counters very often and there are too many brands I want to explore, I haven’t explored this brand further.  A few days ago, gooodapple sent me a few products to try and share my honest comments.  When I saw Dr. Ci:Labo collagen gel, I was so happy that I opened it immediately.  It’s been a few days, let me share my thoughts with you on the product!!!)

Dr. Ci:Labo水凝膠原蘆薈啫喱Cool版

Aqua Collagen Cel – Aloe Cool


價錢(Price):HK$480/ 50g

Product Information:


配合高濃度、再添加80%的蘆薈成分、一瓶可擁有5種All In One功能、有齊保濕、淨白、舒緩、收緊毛孔和多添加了EGF促進肌膚細胞生長因子、可有特效修護的功能。”

(English:  Limited Edition for Summer!!

It’s an All In One collagen gel.  It can hydrates, whitens, soothes, minimizes pores and regenerates skin.)



Before Blending





使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times

用後感:呢隻產品有兩隻我最愛既ingredients,分別係Aloe Vera同埋Collagen!! 我覺得佢係夏天出呢個cool版真係太啱心水喇!! 佢個texture係gel狀,好易推得開同埋搽上皮膚之後涼涼地好舒服!! 我記得佢既Collagen Gel最出名既地方係佢係All In One。 即係話洗完面就直接用佢就可以喇,咩精華咩東東都唔洗用。 講真,呢點真係好好好吸引,雖然係美容達人,但係有好多時夜晚返到屋企都好攰,如果護膚步驟可以越簡單當然越好啦。 我呢幾晚都係洗完面之後用佢,咩其他野都唔用! 我覺得佢講既功效都做到喎!! 雖然係gel狀,但係佢真係好保濕!! 我以前用過一d gel狀既產品,搽完之後一兩個鐘會開始乾同出油。 用呢隻last成晚都無呢個問題(仲要我開air con)! 另外,我覺得因為佢咁保濕,我d毛孔比平時望落細咗。 舒緩就更加唔洗講啦,佢涼涼地用落真係好舒服,尤其是出完去熱完一輪,返到屋企用佢有助降溫, 正呀!!! 仲有就係均勻膚色都做得到!! 掂掂掂!!! 我覺得佢個質感真係超級討好,適合好多皮膚用, 油性去到中性或者混合性都無問題!! 如果你皮膚好乾,佢地亦都有另外正常版同埋moisturizing版俾你揀!! 我超推呢個產品丫,方便慳時間得黎效果好好。 你地有興趣可以去counter望下玩下!! 正呀!!!

(English: Product Review: This product has two of my favourite ingredients – Aloe Vera and Collagen!!  I think the brand is very clever to release this cool version in the summer!!  Its texture is completely a gel form.  It’s easy to blend and it definitely has a cooling effect on skin.  I remember its collagen gel is so famous because of its All In One properties.  That means you can skip everything else and just use this directly right after cleansing your face.  Honestly, this is the most attractive part of the products.  Even though I am a skincare maniac, when I get home at night, I am usually exhausted and I would wish that skincare steps could be simplified.  I have been only using this at the night time (and skip everything else).  I do think it delivers what it promises.  Though it’s in a gel texture, it’s very hydrating!!  I used other gel products before and usually I found my skin dried out after a couple hours and started to secrete oil.  However, this product’s hydrating property lasts all night (and I have air con on for the whole night).  Also, because it’s so hydrating, it helps to minimize pores as well, my pores are less visible now than before.  I also love how soothing it is.  It has a cooling effect and it’s perfect for this hot weather.  I find it very relaxing and refreshing to use especially after a hot humid day.  Brilliant!!!  What’s more, it’s also fantastic in evening out skin tone!!  What’s not to love?  I really love its texture and I think it suits many skin types from oily skin to combination skin.  If you have dry skin types, then they have an original version and a moisturizing version for you to choose from.  I highly recommend this product!!  It’s time saving, convenient and works fabulously!!!  If you are interested, just drop by their store and play with it!!)

Store Location:


(the above product information is extracted from http://www.ci-labo.com.hk)




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