[保養] 均勻膚色好物 ♥ 全新Clinique Even Better Brightening Moisture Cream

潮濕天氣最容易令皮膚又暗又黃,睇落又無精神感覺又油又笠。 雖然我唔係成日都要美白既人, 但係呢d天氣我都一定會用產品去美白去黃。 對我黎講,白唔白唔係好緊要,反而我覺得膚色均勻無黃氣先係最重要! 好多品牌呢幾個月都相繼推出咗唔同既美白/均勻膚色產品,我就試咗下面呢個產品十日,等我同大家分享一下,等大家要買新產品既時候有個參考:

(English:  Humidity creates this uneasy burden on skin and it usually looks dull and yellowish (that’s why I dislike Spring here in HK).  Not only it feels greasy and oily, it also looks dead.  Even though I am not obsessed with whitening my skin (learn to appreciate my skin color), I usually use whitening products during this horrible weather to kick away the deadly sins on my skin.  To me, whether my skin is whitened or not is not my top priority, I am more concerned if I have even skin tone and if my skin looks lively or not.  Many brands have released their new whitening/ brightening products these months and I have tried the following item for around 10 days, so let me share my thoughts with you and you will have a reference when you go hunting for the right product for yourself:)

 Clinique Even Better Brightening Moisture Cream


價錢(Price):HK$390/ 50ml

Product Information:

“Even Better Brightening Moisture Cream勻淨科研亮肌補濕霜及Even Better Brightening Moisture Gel Cream勻淨科研亮肌補濕啫喱霜 中的半藥性成份提供抗敏功效,預防多餘的黑色素產生,持續使用,可減少色斑及色素變異的機會。蘊含納豆膠 (Polyglutamic Acid或PGA),能促進肌膚保存水份,帶來更佳的滋潤,肌膚整天舒適。備有適合乾性及混合性偏乾皮膚的乳霜配方,及適合混合性偏油及油性皮膚的啫喱霜配方。”

(English:  Luxurious brightening cream formulated to be a year-round source of soothing, all-day hydration for drier skins, or drier seasons.  Helps visibly reduce dark spots and discolourations, bring new clarity to skin.  Skin-fortifying ingredients go on to help strengthen skin’s resistance to future darkening.  OIl-free.)




Before Blending




使用次數(No. of Usage):10 times

用後感:Clinique全新呢隻Even Better有兩隻質地,一隻係我呢隻Even Better Brightening Moisture Cream,俾Dry Combination to Dry Skin用; 另一隻係Even Better Brightening Moisture Gel Cream,俾皮膚比較油既人用。 先講個質感,佢望落似cream, 但係推落有少少水同埋好易推,唔杰身, 搽完超快吸收,一d都唔會笠同覺得厚。 真係好啱而家天氣用。 我用咗十日,時間唔係太長, 所以我見唔到去斑既效果,但係我發現用咗十日之後覺得皮膚膚色好平均,唔會一達達,同埋無咩黃氣同暗。 Weekend就算無化妝都唔會覺得皮膚又黑又暗。 我覺得佢均勻分膚色同埋去暗沉呢點做得好好。 正丫!! 但係我覺得保濕方面就做得一般。 雖然我好愛佢個texture, 但係我覺得保濕唔係好夠力。 清爽係一件好事,不過又濕又熱更加應該保濕(好多人都會因為天氣笠笠地而忽略保濕呀), 我用左佢幾日覺得有d乾,都要自己再加保濕精華素先夠。  Clinique既產品一向價錢都唔係貴,所以就佢可以均勻膚色黎講呢一點, 我都好推俾大家,不過我就建議你自己要用保濕精華打底,咁樣個overall效果就更加好喇。 

(English: Product Review: There are two versions (with two different textures) of this Even Better Cream.  One is Even Better Brightening Moisture Cream which is for dry combination to dry skin; and the other one is Even Better Brightening Moisture Gel Cream which is more suitable for oilier skin types.  For the texture, it looks like cream but when it’s applied on skin, it feels a bit “watery” and very easy to blend.  It’s very thin and super easy to be absorbed, therefore, skin don’t feel heavy, any burden or greasiness.  It’s perfect for this humid weather.  I have been using it for 10 days and it’s not a long time, so I cannot tell whether it’s effective in removing dark spots.  But all I can tell you is that it does a great job in evening out skin tone and kicking away the dullness.  When I wear no makeup on the weekend, I still feel my skin looks alive and well.  Very well done on this!!  However, I feel that it could do better on the hydrating side of things.  I do love the texture but I find it not hydrating enough.  Being light in texture is a good thing, however, during this season, hydrating skin is still very important (most people forget).  After I used it for 3 days, I felt my skin was a bit dry, I had to add a hydrating serum underneath to boost the moisture in my skin!  Products from Clinique are usually with a friendly price tags, and because it does a great job in evening out skin tones, I would recommend it to anyone who is looking to do just that.  However, I would suggest to add a hydrating serum prior to the cream application to retain that moisture in your skin.  No point of having even out skin tones but dry skin eh?)


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