Cle de Peau Beauté Cream Rouge Matte

近期為甩口罩做好準備,我都買多咗同埋試多咗化妝品。 本身Cle de Peau Beauté啞緻潤澤唇釉 我淨係買咗兩條,試完之後又即刻沖去counter買多四條,你可想言之我對佢評價有幾高。 今日同大家一次過試晒六隻顏色。

In order to prepare for the face masks coming off, I have hauled and tried quite a few makeup products lately.  At first, I got two of these Cle de Peau Beauté Cream Rouge Matte, but after wearing it for a day, I decided to rush back to the counter to get 4 more, so you can imagine how much I love them.  Today, let me swatch all 6 colours for you.  

Cle de Peau Beauté Cream Rouge Matte

Cle de Peau Beauté Cream Rouge Matte
啞緻潤澤唇釉 HK$390


呢款Cle de Peau Beauté啞緻潤澤唇釉我已經拍咗1分鐘beauty短片同大家分享用後感,大家可以按此link去睇返,所以我都唔長氣講佢有幾好幾好。 反而我想補充番,就算食嘢飲嘢,佢都唔會甩色甩到一達達,持久度非常唔錯。 另外我喺段片度都有講過話佢好易卸,大部份嘅顏色都冇問題,反而我留意到兩隻紅色分別係103同121比其他顏色持久度更高,呢兩隻顏色用返眼唇卸妝液都輕鬆卸到冇問題,只係如果用卸妝力冇咁強啲嘅產品呢兩隻色可能會卸得唔乾淨。 我知道佢哋都開始斷貨,所以如果有興趣嘅話就唔好等嗱嗱聲自己去睇!

I have already shot a 1 minute beauty video sharing my review on Cle de Peau Beauté Cream Rouge Matte, so I am not going to be long-winded.  If you miss the video, please click this link to check it out.  Just to supplement a couple of points, it’s long-lasting!  It does come off during drinking and eating but it doesn’t go patchy, which is nice.  Also I mentioned in the video that it’s easy to remove, I confirm that most colours are easy to remove, but for the two reds 103 and 121, their staying powder is even higher, so it would be best to use the eye and lip makeup removers, otherwise you might find it a bit tough to remove.  I know that some colours are sold out, so if you are interested, hurry to the counter and give them a try!  

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