Cle de Peau Beauté 新出 Eye Colour Quad 四色眼影

有冇睇到最近期嗰條化妝品開箱片? 有嘅話知我入手咗Cle de Peau Beaute新出嘅眼影盤。 今日同大家試色同埋分享初步用後感。

Have you watched my latest makeup haul yet? If so, you know that I got a couple of Cle de Peau Beaute new eye colour quads. Today I want to swatch them for you and share my initial thoughts.

Cle de Peau Beauté Eye Colour Quad
HK$430 (refill) + HK$200 (case) LINK


我覺得佢新出呢一款眼影,顯色度比之前透薄,圖中係我畫兩下嘅出色度。 粉質一如以往摸落好幼細好滑。 

I feel that the the pigmentation of these new quads is more sheer than their previous version. The swatches are the result from 2 strokes. The powder is finely milled and smooth to touch as usual.

No.2 Warm Beige係大地色偏淺,所以日常用或者鍾意走自然風路線既baby啱用,兩個閃色,一個唔閃色同一個base colour (左下色),雖然唔會有好多變化,但係勝在如果你鍾意個顏色嘅話,呢啲會係日日用嘅顏色。 閃色都係非常輕微嘅閃,所以絕對唔誇張。 

No.2 Warm Beige is a light earth tone combination, it’s great for day makeup or minimal makeup days. There are 2 shimmers, 1 matte and 1 base colour (bottom left). Though you can’t create a few looks with this palette, if you enjoy the colour combo, I am sure you will reach for it everyday (and maybe hit pan one day!!). The shimmers are very sheer, so they look very natural on the eyes, perfect for day to day use.

另外No.5 Warm Brown係大地色偏深,同樣都係兩個閃一個唔閃同一個base colour (左下色),我自己鍾意呢個組合比較多啲,因為我覺得深啡色好好用,想做少少煙熏眼又得又或者當佢係眼線都得,變化比較多少少。 

No.5 Warm Brown is a deeper earth tone, again it comes with 2 shimmers, 1 matte and 1 base colour (bottom left). I love this combination a bit more because I enjoy the dark brown (bottom right) colour very much – it can be used for smoky or just as a very soft eyeliner. I like this variation a bit more.

全系列12個顏色左下角都係base colour,BA話佢可以令到眼影唔好咁快溶。 我覺得佢個質感都幾得意,望落同埋初初摸落似係粉狀,玩多幾次之後又覺得佢好似係一個好薄嘅cream狀。 暫時我對呢個base colour未有特別comment,我玩耐啲再同大家分享。

There are 12 colour selection and all come with a base colour (all bottom left). BA mentioned that it could help with longevity of the eyeshadows. I find the texture interesting, at first glance and touch, it looks and feels like a powder; but then after a few times, it seems to be a very light cream. Well, I haven’t made my mind up regarding this base colour yet, I will certainly report back later.

我覺得如果好鍾意化眼妝嘅人,可能屋企已經有好多唔同品牌嘅眼影,呢個未必好吸引,因為每個眼影盤只係做到一個最多兩個唔同嘅妝容。 但係如果你成日會化同一個妝,你係想搵盤眼影比較簡單日常易用,我覺得你應該會enjoy呢一款。 12個顏色總有一個顏色你會鍾意,可以過去佢哋counter度玩吓望吓。

I think if you really enjoy makeup, you probably have quite a collection of eyeshadows at home, so this one might not tickle your fancy because you can maximum create only 1-2 looks from each of the palette. However, if you enjoy similar makeup looks, or you want something fuzz-free, simple and easy to use, I think you might enjoy this quad from CPB. Also it comes in 12 colours, you should be able to choose one that you enjoy. Check them out at their counters when you pass by.

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