Clarins 瘦面野究竟得唔得?

成日都聽見sis想買瘦面產品,究竟又有幾多隻係得呢? 對於瘦面產品, 我一定唔係試得最多個個, 因為我係久唔時先買黎玩下.  唔係話我無呢個need, 只不過係我覺得大部份都唔會好work, 所以行開好奇先會買.  我好好好耐之前係Clarins買左:

(English:  I have been hearing quite a few sisters wanting to buy face slimming products, however, how many of them do actually work?  I seldom buy these products, and the reason being is I don’t believe many of them do work!  So, my strategy is if I am curious about the product, I’ll get it.  With this thought in mind, I got the following Clarins product awhile back:)

Clarins Shaping Facial Lift Serum 纖顏緊緻精華

價錢 (Price): HK$520/ 50ml

Product Information:
先排走面上毒素, 再導入適合的精華,提供更強效的瘦面、排水及去腫效果,令輪廓更緊緻纖巧。

三重輪廓塑形科技 — 去脂、排水、緊緻,特別針對五個面部囤積脂肪的位置(兩邊面頰、兩邊腮位及下巴),令輪廓更纖巧。當這些部位循環欠佳,脂肪便容易囤積,成為惱人的雙下巴。健康的血液及淋巴循環,是脂肪有效代謝的重要關鍵。”

(English: “The essential refining and draining skin care to use before any serum, to release fluid from the face, remove excess fats and restore refined and youthful facial contours.

This smooth, refreshing serum instantly lightens the face to reveal more refined facial contours. It firms the features, to “lift” and rejuvenate. The face is refined and protected from dark spots while the complexion is brighter and radiant. “

使用次數 (No. of Usage): 2 months

用後感: 真係買左好耐, 但係好遲先開黎用.  哈哈, 新野都變sa舊野.  我覺得佢個texture唔錯, 好有質感既lotion, 都算快吸收.  按摩完塊面都吸sa, 唔會chi lup lup!  我覺得佢有兩樣野係做得到 – 排水同埋令皮膚有光澤.  用完佢第二日會覺得自己個面無咁水腫.  同埋皮膚會有翻光澤 (我諗呢點係同佢個按摩方法有關).  但係如果你話減面上面既baby fat呢, 呢枝野唔會點幫得到你喇.  如果你個面面係水腫型, 我覺得你都可以諗下, 但係提下你, 佢個效果keep得唔耐.  即係話如果你日日用就會有起色, 但係如果唔keep住用就會打回原形喇.  如果你話你個面面係脂肪型既話, 我就唔建議你買, 因為無謂失望ma!  我都知每逢市面上有d新既瘦面產品, 大家都會好興奮.  我都係個句啦, 做好research先去買, 咁就可以令失望指數減低.  Good luck!

(English:  I bought this long long time ago but I haven’t started using it until recently.  Haha, a new item is turning into an old release.  I quite like its texture, it’s a quite solid lotion form.  It’s quite easy to absorb, usually after massaging it on the face, it’s fully absorbed and it’s not greasy!  I think it definitely performs 2 functions – reduce water retention and adding radiance onto skin.  After application at night, I discover that my face doesn’t retent as much water the next day and it looks more radiant (I think this is more associated with massaging).  I would say, if you want to kick away the baby fat on your face with this product, it’s not going to work.  If you just want to reduce the water retention, you could give this product a thought.  The gentle reminder is the effect is not long-lasting, which means, if you keep using it, you’ll see the improvement; if you don’t, then you’ll find that you would undo all the good.  However, if you want to kick away the fat on your face, I won’t recommend you to buy this product as I don’t want to disappoint you!  Well, I am sure whenever there is a new product relating to face slimming, everyone is so excited about it.  My suggestion is do your research before hauling to spare your feelings!  Good luck!)

(the above product information is extracted from

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