[保養] Clarins 纖顏緊緻精華 Shaping Facial Lift

之前有公關公司邀請我試用Clarins既產品, 我諗諗下其實我都好少用Clarins面部產品, 反而身體既產品我就用得多, 所以我就接受咗個邀請喇。 今次我會試佢地三個產品:

(English:  I got an invitation from a PR company asking me to try Clarins’ products, I thought for a moment and then accepted the invitation because I seldom use Clarins’ face products (love their body products though).  This time, I am going to try 3 of their star items:)

Clarins Golden Resolution


Clarins Double Serum 賦活雙精華

Clarins Blue Orchid Face Treatment Oil 蘭花護理油

Clarins Shaping Facial Lift 纖顏緊緻精華

當中既一枝產品我都好熟識, 因為一年半前已經用過同埋分享過, 佢就係:

(English:  I am really familiar with one of their products in the box because I did give it a try one and a half years ago and I have shared my comments.  That is:)

Clarins Shaping Facial Lift

價錢(Price):HK$550/ 50ml

去拎產品既一個星期真係忙得瘋狂, 唔單止提唔起勁, 仲要血液circulation唔好, 搞到塊面好腫丫! 所以再見到呢枝產品個時都幾開心!! 哈哈!! 又野可以幫我去水腫, 咁就少包包面啦!

(English:  The week that I picked the products up, I literally went crazily busy!!  My mental energy wasn’t up to par and in turn my blood circulation wasn’t going all that well, so my face retained too much water and looked kinda swollen!  So when I see this particular product, I was quite happy because from what I remember, it was a good product for reducing water retention and hence swollen face!)

Product Information:

“立體V型面 每個角度都無懈可擊



“Lift, Contour & Refine

This smooth, refreshing serum instantly lightens the face to reveal more
refined facial contours. It firms the features, to “lift” and
rejuvenate. The face is refined and protected from dark spots while the
complexion is brighter and radiant.”)


佢個質地唔厚身, 超好推! 同埋好易吸收, 按完基本上都已經吸收哂, 唔會痴笠笠!

(English:  Its texture is quite light and super blendable.  It’s really easy to absorb.  Once you have finished massage it on your face, it’s totally absorbed and leaves no sticky feeling on skin!)

Massage Method:

用呢個要達到效果, 就咁搽係面就真係唔會特別好見效果, 要跟埋佢個按摩手法先會明顯d, 其實個按摩手法都好簡單, 幾分鐘就得都唔會好阻時間(要靚唔可以懶):

(English:  If you want to have an obvious result, you can just apply it on your face like a regular serum, you have to follow its massage method to get a good result.  It’s actually very simple and it only takes a few mins (pretty girls aren’t lazy):



使用次數(No. of Usage):7 times

用後感: 我而家係朝早用佢, 因為我朝早水腫係最明顯, 但係朝早最要見人麻。 我洗完面會用佢按摩, 之後就開始化妝。 基本上用完佢之後我返到公司就已經無咩水腫! 哈哈!! 我覺得佢去水功效都真係強!! 同埋, 好似我之前既review都話佢除咗去水強之外,佢都令皮膚有光澤, 我覺得水腫同皮膚光澤度都係同血液circulation好唔好有關, 而呢枝產品同埋按摩手法就可以改善呢兩個問題喇!!   正!! 如果你都有呢兩個皮膚問題, 我覺得呢枝產品會幫到你呀!  哈哈!! 上個星期呢枝產品真係幫到我, 唔係真係忙到個樣又腫又殘呀!!生活壓力好多時都會反映係皮膚, 所以要留意你皮膚既變化去轉換你既產品呀!

(English: I use this in the morning now because my water retention problem is the most serious, besides, I have more chances to meet people during the day.  After washing my face, I will use it to massage my face and then start to apply makeup.  Actually after using the face lift in the morning, when I arrive at the office, my water retention is gone.  *Laughs*  I really think it’s effective in reducing unwanted water retention on the face area.  Also, same as my review before, apart from the above, it enhances the brightness of skin as well.  I believe skin problems like water retention and dullness have a lot to do with blood circulation, and this face lift and massage method, somehow, help to solve the issue.  Brilliant!!  If you have the two problems that I mention above, this problem would be beneficial to you.  *Grins*  Last week, this face lift helps me tremendously, otherwise, I would look very dead and dull.  Yea, stress is reflected on your skin, so it’s wise to observe your skin closely and pick the products that suit a particular need!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.clarins.com.hk)

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