Clarins Instant Eye Make-up Remover

之前講過Kiko既眼部卸妝液又平又抵用,再之前亦都講過high end眼部卸妝液黎講,Chanel都係好好用既一個品牌。 今日又再發現另一個選擇,就係Clarins Instant Eye Make-up Remover喇。

(English:  For drugstore, I did rave about Kiko Eye Makeup Remover previously and before that, I did talk about Chanel Gentle Biphase Eye Makeup Remover being one of the best in the high end market.  Today, there is another choice within the high end territory and it’s Clarins Instant Eye Make-up Remover.)

Clarins Instant Eye Make-up Remover
HK$220/ 125ml

Clarins Instant Eye Make-up Remover

用咗呢枝產品都有一個月,覺得整體感覺唔錯。 無拿眼,落眼妝都乾淨同快,又唔會太笠,我d好勁既眼妝都落得好乾淨! 唔錯唔錯! 可能你會問,咁Kiko都好用洗乜買咁貴。 我同意架,不過我既職責係比多d選擇大家。 就係咁喇! 之前見外國既YouTuber成日講呢枝野落得好,我試完都覺得唔錯。 落眼妝既速度同乾淨度都同Chanel既差唔多,所以如果你想買high end眼部卸妝液既話,Chanel同Clarins我都recommend,你睇下你自己對邊個品牌有興趣d丫!

(English:  I have been using this product for a month and I quite like it overall.  It doesn’t stink the eyes, it removes eye makeup quickly and thoroughly, it’s not too greasy!  For my stubborn eye makeup, it removes nicely!  Good one!  Then maybe now you would ask, “if the Kiko one is good, why do I need this one with a higher price tag?”.  I agree, my job here is to review items and hopefully offer more choices for you all.  That’s it!  I saw many YouTubers raving about how good it is for a long time, now I have tried it myself and I can agree that it’s a good product.  It’s actually quite similar to the Chanel one regarding the speed of removing makeup and how thoroughly it does the job.  So if you are looking for a high end eye makeup remover, I would recommend both brands to you and you can simply check out the one that interests you most!)

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