[試色] Christian Dior Garden Edition 12′ + Ultra Shimmering All Over Face Powder

如果之前你有睇我個生日敗家video(下面)或者你有留意我Facebook Page, 你應該記得我無啦啦中毒去左Christian Dior敗佢地嘅春季彩妝。

(English:  If you have watched my previous birthday haul video (as follows) or you follow me on Facebook, you should recall that I got some Christian Dior 2012 Spring Collection.)

本身我想係個video到試埋色俾大家睇, 但係我都係覺得睇相比較易睇d, 所以我都係放相係呢度, 等大家可以慢慢欣賞喇。 又係啦, 我以下嘅試色相係無用任何primer打底, 等你睇下佢地有幾出色喇。

(English:  Originally I wanted to swatch them in the video, but then I thought look at pics is probably easier, that’s why I swatched them here instead, so you can admire how pretty they are.  Again, I haven’t used any eyeshadow primer in the following pics and you could get a feeling of how pigmented they are.)

Christian Dior 5 Colors Garden Edition (No. 441)


(English:  OMG!!! Soooooo PRETTY!!!)

Christian Dior 5 Colors Garden Edition (No. 841)

呢個令我諗起情人節, d顏色實在太浪漫喇!

(English:  This one reminds me of Valentine’s Day!  The colors are so romantic!!)

另外加多個唔係Garden Edition嘅Christian Dior產品。 呢個我真係近期超愛(你應該會係遲d個favourite video度見佢)。

(English:  One more item from Christian Dior but it’s not from the Garden Edition.  This one has become my absolute favourite (you should be able to see it in the coming favourite video!)

Christian Dior Ultra Shimmering All Over Face Powder (No. 002)

呢個真係無敵好用(係, 我而家講埋用後感, 我都用左成個星期喇)。 佢有兩隻色, 一隻我係呢隻, 另一隻係粉紅色(嗱, 我唔係好知係咪限量啦!)。 我要呢隻用嚟做highlight(粉紅色個隻應該可以用嚟做胭脂)。佢d閃真係閃得好細緻, 唔會好誇。 搽左個d位係會光左, 但係光得好自然同靚! 我用佢係鼻位啦, 同埋C子位, 用左一次之後真係覺得個樣3D左(睇下我遲d拍片會唔會可以整個效果俾大家望下),超自然呀! 唔洗打透明質酸都覺得有翻個鼻樑!  好開心!! 用左一次之後而家日日都要用, 唔用唔安落!!  好少可有highlight粉令我咁滿意! 呢隻真係100個讚呀(唔係講笑)!!

(English:  This quality is super (yea I am reviewing it now since I have been using it for a week).  It has 2 colors, one is the one I picked and the other one is pink (I am not sure if they are limited edition).  I picked this one because I could use it as a highlight (the pink can I guess can be used as blush).  The shimmers are really fine and tiny, they are really sophisticated and not over the top.  After application, skin would glow naturally and fabulously!  I use it on my nose bridge and C area.  After using it for the first time, I found that my face has more dimension to it (let me see if I could illustrate it on video later).  Super natural yet gorgeous!  For the first time without any surgery/ injection, I feel like I have a nose bridge *laughs*!!  Super happy!!  Now I insist to use it everyday (yea this bad!!).  This is probably the only highlight powder that I would insist using it everyday!!  I love it and definitely recommend it (highly)!!)

奇想: 其實我想打Botox瘦面多d, 呢個係我多年心願, 不過可惜我未揾到一間另我好有信心嘅地方。 你地有無好介紹? 嘻嘻~~  當然如果我去左打, 我一定會同大家分享下(諗諗下, 成日買埋買埋d瘦面野個d錢都夠我打幾次!)。

(English:  Side-thought: Actually I want to have Botox to slim my face, this is probably one of my biggest wish, however, I haven’t found anywhere that I am totally confident of.  Do you have any recommendation? *smiles*  Of course, if I go and get it done, I would definitely share with you (the more I think about it, the more I want to get it done!! Hmmm….)

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