[香氣] 網上瘋傳似Chloe Classic既泰國品牌Beauty Cottage Memories of Love系列

終於都集齊Beauty Cottage既Memories of Love系列,今日分享下先。Memories of Love呢一個系列既味道就係被網上朋友話激似Chloe Classic既味道。 佢地亦都話呢隻係Chloe Classic既平價版! 我之前都想証實,所以買咗Chloe Classic既sample黎比較下。 我覺得似唔似有幾似係好個人,我自己就覺得初初噴出黎唔係好似,過咗兩三分鐘有6-7成似。 正因為價錢差好遠,我覺得6-7成似都好好,如果要100%似既話就只可以買翻Chloe Classic喇!

(English:  Finally I have got the whole Beauty Cottage Memories of Love series in my hands, let me share my thoughts on each of them with you!  Memories of Love is said to be having a very similar scent to Chloe Classic and some even commented that they are a dupe for the Chloe Classic!  In order to compare the two with my own nose, I got the Chloe Classic sample before just for this comparison.  To be honest, whether it’s similar or how similar it is – I have to say it’s purely personal (scents are personal anyway).  My thought is that when you first spray it out, it doesn’t smell similar, but if you give it 2-3 mins, yes, it’s 60-70% similar.  Well due to the huge price different, I somewhat think 60-70% similar is good enough.  If you want exactly the same scent, then the only choice is to get the Chloe Classic!)

Beauty Cottage Memories of Love Series



(English:  There are 3 products with the same scent and let me go through them with you!)

Beauty Cottage Memories of Love Eau De Parfume

價錢(Price):HK$145/ 28ml

Buy from: 黑咪Hakme Beauty店/ email at hakmebeauty@hotmail.com

用後感: 呢枝就係大家為之瘋狂既香水! 頭先講過我覺得係6-7成似Chloe Classic啦。
其實初初見到佢,我係被佢既包裝吸引,覺得細細枝,個樣又靚同埋No Paraben個下好正。
得賣我都係咁講)。 我覺得如果你想平平地買枝香水,或者唔係成日用,又或者唔愛好濃既味道,我覺得呢隻係唔錯,價錢可愛補噴唔心痛。

(English:  Product
:  This is the one that almost everyone is obsessed about!  I have
said before the scent is somewhat 60-70% similar to Chloe Classic. 
When I saw it the first time, I was attracted by the packaging, I like
the small it is and the look and feel of it.  Plus it doesn’t contain
paraben so it’s pretty safe to use!  Many people have asked me if it’s
long-lasting or not, I personally feel that 2-3 hours is no problem but
if you want something that would last all day, this is not the one for
you (though it’s available in my store).  I believe if you want to go
for a budget eau de parfume or you don’t use it very often, or you don’t
like something strong, this could be a good choice, because of its
friendly price, you won’t feel the pain when you have to re-spray!  But
if you love perfume and you are on another level wanting to find something with longevity, this is for your choice!)

Beauty Cottage Memories of Love Solid Perfume

價錢(Price):HK$75/ 14g

Buy from: 黑咪Hakme Beauty店/ email at hakmebeauty@hotmail.com

用後感:同味道但係另一款產品 – 香膏!帶出街亦都非常方便,唔驚打爛漏野! 香味亦都係維持兩三個鐘啦,我鍾意佢夠細夠輕,帶出街補搽個樣又靚又方便! 亦都因為佢價錢超可愛,所以我好加分!

(English:  Product Review: Another product with the exactly same scent – Solid Perfume!!  It’s perfect for handbag because you don’t have to worry about any breakage or leakage!  The scent lasts around 2-3 hours again and I love how small and how light is it, it’s really convenient to retouch on the go!!  Well the score goes up a bit more because its price is absolutely lovely!!)

Beauty Cottage Memories of Love Hand Cream

價錢(Price):HK$85/ 30ml

Buy from: 黑咪Hakme Beauty店/ email at hakmebeauty@hotmail.com


Before Blending



用後感:同味既另一款產品喇 – Hand Cream!我鍾意Hand Cream有香味,但係千萬唔可以係好勁既味! 佢有清清既香味,而隻香味亦都要好近距離先聞到,隻味亦都係last到兩三個鐘! 我自己雖然手好乾,但係我唔鍾意d hand cream肥笠笠好似有層野係面咁,呢隻係gel cream質地,好易推開同埋係好吸收,吸完唔會覺得有層野係面但係就摸落好滑,效果都last得唔錯,不過我成日洗手,每次我洗完手都會補搽丫!! 哈哈~~ 如果你對手要用好勁潤既野既話,我覺得呢隻唔啱你。 但係如果你同我既喜好差唔多,你應該會喜歡佢!

(English:  Product Review:  Another product with the same scent – Hand Cream!  I love hand creams with a tiny scent, but it cannot be overwhelming!  It has a slight comfortable scent and you have to stay really close to be able to smell it, the scent itself lasts for 2-3 hours.  Though my hands are very dry, I really don’t like sticky hand creams and I don’t like some of them leaving a greasy layer on my hands.  This is of a gel cream texture, it’s easy to blend and it gets absorbed very nicely.  After it’s absorbed, you don’t feel an extra layer but they are smooth to touch!  The result lasts quite well.  I do wash my hands frequently and everytime I would reapply!!  *Laughs*~~  If you like something that’s heavy and thick, this is not for you, but if you like something similar to me, then you probably would fall in love with this one too!!)

黑咪Hakme Beauty店
地址 (Address): 銅鑼灣希慎道8號裕景商業中心3樓365-367號 (No. 365-367, 3/F, Eton Tower, No. 8 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong)
電話 (Tel): 2877 4700
營業時間 (Open Hours): 星期一至日中午12點到晚上8點 (Mon – Sun 12noon – 8pm)
付款方法 (Payment Options): EPS & Cash (唔收$1000紙 – No HKD1000 note)

或郵寄∕太古MTR∕沙田第一城站交收。 Email: hakmebeauty@hotmail.com
(Or by post, face trade at Taikoo MTR/ Shatin Cityone Stop.  Email: hakmebeauty@hotmail.com)




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