[化妝] Charmatic假睫毛的自然氣質妝容

之前收到一盒Charmatic既綜合睫毛, 有5對假睫毛, 我話可以化5個妝容同大家分享一下。 不過呢期真係超忙, 所以淨係化得一個俾大家望下!等我遲少少再用埋另外個4對俾大家睇下個效果丫~

(English:  I received a box of Charmatic falsies before and inside there are 5 pairs of falsies!  I said I was going to do 5 makeup looks but I was super busy for the past couple weeks, so I only had time to do one for you to take a look at the results!  I will use the other 4 to do different looks later~~)

Charmatic False Lashes

價錢(Price):HK$120/ 5 pairs (available @ 新之城  Store No. 20, Mong Kok)


(English:  This time, I use the 2nd pair from the top!)


淨係貼咗佢同化咗啡色眼妝個樣! 好自然丫! 之後我再用mascara將自己d睫毛同d假睫毛痴埋一齊~~~

(English:  Only use the 2nd pair and some brown eyeshadows!  Very natural indeed!!  Then I use a mascara to stick my real lashes and the falsies together~~)

效果唔誇張, 但係就好醒神!!!

(English:  The effect is rather natural and sharp!!)


(English: You can also wear glasses with this look!!)

我俾呢張相我一個男性朋友睇, 佢竟然同我講話: 無呀, 你有痴假毛咩? 呵呵!! 跟住佢係咁望下我d隻眼(無貼假毛), 又望下張相!! 見佢個樣好confused, 我真係覺得好過癮!!! 哈哈!!

(English:  I showed this pic to a male friend and he was like, “nope, I don’t see any falsies!!!”  *Laughs*  Then he kept looking at my eye (without falsies) and the pic!!  I love it when the guys get confused!! *Laughs*!!)

用後感: 我覺得佢呢隻假眼睫毛好輕, 同埋唔會搣落黎都唔會好易變型! 應該用5次以上都無問題丫~~ 呢隻款我個人就好鍾意, 比較自然! 佢仲有個特點係佢係兩層式(唔係普通個d得一層), 所以佢真係好濃密! 好方面丫, 要密d貼呢個就得喇, 唔洗自己做手腳! 呢個係mascara無可能做到既效果丫~ 正!!

(English: Product Review:  The falsies are of light weight and it doesn’t change its shape easily.  Should be able to use it 5 times or above!  I personally really love this 2nd pair style, rather natural!!  The most interesting thing is that, this is of 2 layers (different to the usual ones because they have only 1 layer), therefore, they look really volumized!  I find this quite convenient because I don’t have to DIY anything if I want some very volumized lashes!!  This is an effect that cannot be created by mascaras as well!  Wonderful!!)

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