Charlotte Tilbury Palette in Dreamy Look in a Clutch

今日講呢個palette無得單買,係要買set裝 – Dreamy Look in a Clutch,亦都係我去英國時候入手既一個英國品牌 – Charlotte Tilbury 。我唔肯定個set仲有無得賣,無都唔緊要,當係資訊丫!

(English: This palette doesn’t come on its own, it comes in the set of Dreamy Look in a Clutch.  I got this when I visited the UK and it’s from a UK brand called Charlotte Tilbury.  I am not sure if the set is still available, but even it’s not, no love lost, you can treat this as a piece of beauty information!)

Charlotte Tilbury Luxury Palette


Charlotte Tilbury Luxury Palette

Charlotte Tilbury Luxury Palette

4色眼影,其中3隻顏色都係好淺色而當中1隻顏色係閃粉。 粉質好好,好幼細同好上色。 我覺得呢個palette唔算非常特別,係如果好鍾意clean look眼妝或者春夏用,就好適合。 呢個palette可做既變化亦都唔係太多,所以我話買唔到都唔咩所謂。 呢個palette我買咗而家都唔係好用到,因為我地都仲叫做係冬天,所以我都鍾意深少少既色系,反而我覺得夏天既時候我先會用得多少少。

(English:  It’s a 4 colour eyeshadow palette whereby 3 colours are very light colours and 1 shade is very glittery.  The powder is finely milled and pigmented.  But I don’t think this palette is extremely tempting or special.  If you enjoy very clean eye look or intend to use it during Spring and Summer, I think it’s nice.  Also I don’t think this palette is versatile, that’s why I said no love lost if you couldn’t get your hands on one.  To be honest, I got this palette for a few weeks and I didn’t use it too much because I do enjoy a darker eye look when we are still in our so-called Winter.  I guess when Spring and Summer hits, then I will get more use out of this palette.)

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