Charlotte Tilbury Luxury Palette – The Vintage Vamp and The Rebel

我一路都有分享關於Charlotte Tilbury既產品,而一路香港都無得買。 一係要上網,一係要去英國先買到。 但係佢地今年4月會黎香港Lane Crawford,到時大家有興趣,可以係呢個website入面click “Brand”再click “Charlotte Tilbury”就可以重溫哂我之前分享過既產品,你地可以用黎參考一下。 今次因為佢地就黎香港,所以佢地PR公司送咗幾款產品俾我,啱啱我之前都無買呢幾樣,所以今日先同大家分享佢地兩盒眼影盤。

(English: I have been reviewing Charlotte Tilbury products for awhile.  Since it’s not available in Hong Kong, so I either got them online or I got them while I was in the U.K.  The good news is that they are coming to Lane Crawford, Hong Kong this coming April.  If you are interested in my previous reviews, you can click “Brand” within this website and then click “Charlotte Tilbury”, you will find quite a few posts there for your reference.  Since they are coming over, their PR company sent me a few of their products to play with.  What a coincidence!  I didn’t own these few items before, so I am going to share my thoughts on 2 of their Luxury Palettes with you today.)


Charlotte Tilbury Luxury Palettes HK$330 (Link)

Charlotte Tilbury Luxury Palette


Charlotte Tilbury Luxury Palette – The Vintage Vamp HK$330 (Link)

Charlotte Tilbury Luxury Palette The Vintage Vamp



Charlotte Tilbury Luxury Palette The Vintage Vamp


Charlotte Tilbury Luxury Palette – The Rebel HK$330 (Link)

Charlotte Tilbury Luxury Palette The Rebel



Charlotte Tilbury Luxury Palette The Rebel

我唔肯定佢地黎到香港既時候個價錢點樣,但係如果以而家上網買到既價錢黎睇,佢係抵買。 HK$330蚊4色眼影唔屬於非常high-end,我覺得佢係中價。 Charlotte Tilbury本身係化妝師,佢同好多名模同名人化妝,我覺得佢個化妝style係好Hollywood Glam好時尚! 我之前都有呢款palette既其他顏色,粉質幼好易blend出色(畫兩下出到試色圖既顏色)。The Vintage Glam我覺得係有d plum tone,所以無一般啡色咁悶。 我覺得evening look好唔錯同埋好百搭。 Luxury palette裡面都會有個較閃既閃粉(左下)俾你glam up, 日妝我通常唔同,但係晚妝既話我覺得好handy。 加少少係眼中真係既搶眼! The Rebel係綠tone既眼影,其實我好鍾意綠tone不過唔係咩綠上眼都好睇,反而我覺得呢個palette d綠好正,右上既可以全個眼蓋用,但係又唔會青BB,右下個藍綠可以係眼接位,或者有時我唔想太誇既話,我會用呢隻色係下眼線,上眼搽翻平日既啡金,都好靚好sharp。 左下係帶墨綠色既金色閃粉,我夜晚先用,左上就係highlight colour係眉骨或者面既highlight都得!唔錯! 佢呢款palette都仲有好多其他顏色,有興趣自己到時去counter玩啦!

(English:  I am not sure about the prices of the products when they hit HK.  Based on the online price now, they are worth it.  4 colour eyeshadow palette at HK$330 doesn’t sound too high-end, I think it’s more in the middle range.  Charlotte Tilbury is a makeup artist herself and she does a lot of makeup for models and celebs.  I feel that her makeup style is Hollywood Glam and timeless!  I do own Luxury Palettes in other colours too, the powder is all the same – smooth to touch, easy to blend and pigmented (the swatches are the results are two strokes).  I feel The Vintage Glam offers a bit of a plum tone, so it’s less boring as browns.  I think this is great for evening look because it matches with different outfits.  Most Luxury Palettes comes with a glittery pigment on the bottom left for you to glam it up.  For day time look, I usually skip the pigment; but for evening look, it does come in handy.  Just add a bit of that in the centre of your lids – voila, eye-catching!  The Rebel is green tone.  I do love green-tone eyeshadows, but I don’t think just any green would work.  I think the greens in this palette are brilliant!  The upper right one can be used on the whole eyelid without looking like a pasture.  The bottom right one is a green with blue tone, this can be used on the double lids.  Or, sometimes I just want a bit of colour, I would use this on my bottom lash line, then for the upper lids, I would use my usual gold and browns, this is nice too!  The one on the bottom left is an olive glitter, I usually only use this at night.  The one on the upper left is a highlight colour which is perfect for brow bone or on face!  Nice.  The Luxury Palettes come in other different colours as well; and if you are interested, check them out at the counter when they arrive here!)

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