Charlotte Tilbury Lip Lustre Luxe Colour-lasting Lip Lacquer

[PR Sample] 由Charlotte Tilbury未黎香港,我已經試過佢好多既產品。 我留翻d影片link係最尾,如果你地對呢個品牌有興趣,你地望完呢個post可以過去睇翻之前既片! 今日就同大家講下佢幾枝Lip Lustre (即係lipgloss) 先!

(English: [PR Sample] I have tried quite a lot of Charlotte Tilbury products even when they were not in Hong Kong.  I will leave some video links at the end of this blog post, if you are interested in this brand, you can check the videos out after reading this blog post (one video was in 2015 haha!!!!)!  Today I want to go through a few more of their Lip Lustres with you (aka lipglosses)!!)


Charlotte Tilbury Lip Lustre Luxe Colour-lasting Lip Lacquer HK$200/3.5ml (or online)
Available at Lane Crawford IFC and Lane Crawford Harbour City

Charlotte Tilbury Lip Lustre Luxe Colour-lasting Lip Lacquer

Charlotte Tilbury Lip Lustre Luxe Colour-lasting Lip Lacquer

Charlotte Tilbury Lip Lustre Luxe Colour-lasting Lip Lacquer


Charlotte Tilbury Lip Lustre Luxe Colour-lasting Lip Lacquer

From left to right: Portobello Girl, Seduction, Red Vixen

Charlotte Tilbury Lip Lustre Luxe Colour-lasting Lip Lacquer

之前影片中我有講過一枝都係Lip Lustre,顏色係Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds,嗰枝好多閃粉,我個人係麻麻哋個咀好多閃粉,所以用完個枝我都無再入手佢哋既Lip Lustre。 之前佢哋嚟香港,PR送咗另外幾枝Lip Lustre俾我,顏色唔同,所以又可以同大家分享一下。 全部質地都有少少厚身,因為佢要做豐滿效果,所以厚身少少可以令個咀幫落豐滿d同埋無咁多唇紋,唔好處就係有少少痴咀,我覺得唔嚴重,係有少少,呢個自己取捨啦! 另外佢都令得幾長時間,兩個鐘頭都仲見到令,但係淡少少,唔覺得乾,所以lipgloss黎講都OK! Portobello Girl係好淺既粉紅色有少少閃粉,如果唇色深既話,上咀出唔到粉紅,只係見到令身。 呢枝就咁搽既話,要唇色淺,出嚟效果先靚! 另外Seduction就係nude色,無閃粉,個色出嚟都靚,唇色深都出到nude色,我覺得好唔錯! 最尾就係Red Vixen,都係無閃粉,出到紅色,呢個色好靚好精神,如果唔想咁紅,搽少少推開感覺又自然好多! 佢呢個Lip Lustre系列有閃有唔閃,仲有好多其他顏色,大家有興趣可以去佢counter玩! 我自己就鍾意無閃既,你呢?

關於Charlotte Tilbury產品分享: link
Charlotte Tilbury Magic Foundation分享: link


(English: In one of my previous videos, I did talk about one of the Lip Lustres, the colour was Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.  That one has quite a bit of shimmer inside and I didn’t like too much shimmer on my lips, so after that one, I didn’t get anymore of the Lip Lustres.  Previously, due to their official launch in Hong Kong, their PR sent me a few of their Lip Lustres in other colours, so I can try them and share my thoughts with you.  All of the texture are leaning on the thick side because these are used to create plumped effect on the lips and make the fine lines less visible.  The downside of that is they are a wee bit sticky.  I don’t think they are super sticky, but definitely a bit, so it’s entirely depend on your preference!  Their glossy effect lasts a good length of time, I can still see it after two hours.  Of course the glossiness and the colour fade a bit after 2 hours, but it’s still good.  What’s more, I don’t feel that it goes dry after a couple hours, so for a lipgloss, I think it’s nice!  Portobello Girl is a light pink with a bit of shimmer inside.  If you have deeper lip colour, it won’t show up pink on your lips, it would just be “glossy” on your lips.  So for this, I think it’s great for people who have lighter lip colour!  Right, for Seduction, it’s a nude, it doesn’t have shimmer and the colour is really nice on the lips, even on deeper lip tone, it would show up as a nice nude!  I personally think this one is really nice!  Last but not least, we have come to Red Vixen, again it doesn’t have shimmer and it gives a nice red colour.  This red is very sharp and brightening.  If you don’t want it to be this red, you can just apply a bit on the lips and smudge it out, then it would look rather natural!  So I can conclude that within this Lip Lustre range, there are colours with shimmer or without, and there are quite a few colours to play with.  If you are interested, you can definitely go to their counter to try out the different colours!  I personally love the ones without the shimmer, what about you?)

Charlotte Tilbury Product Sharing: link
Charlotte Tilbury Magic Foundation Sharing: link

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