Charlotte Tilbury Lip Cheat Re-shape & Re-size Lip Liner x 8 Colours

[PR Sample] 上個星期講咗Charlotte Tilbury既Lip Lustre,今日同大家分享埋佢既唇線筆Lip Cheat! 香港唔係好多人用唇線筆,但係喺外國就好多人都用,其中一隻色叫Pillow Talk仲係好多人既大愛添!

(English:  [PR Sample]  Last week I talked about Charlotte Tilbury Lip Lustre, today I want to continue with their Lip Cheat Re-shape & Re-size Lip Liners!  I feel that not many people in Hong Kong use lip liners, however many westerners use them.  One of the colours is Pillow Talk and it’s many people’s favourite!)


Charlotte Tilbury Lip Cheat Re-shape & Re-size Lip Liner HK$190 [Online]
Available at Lane Crawford, IFC and Harbour City

Charlotte Tilbury Lip Cheat Re-shape & Re-size Lip Liner

Charlotte Tilbury Lip Cheat Re-shape & Re-size Lip Liner


Charlotte Tilbury Lip Cheat Re-shape & Re-size Lip Liner

From left to right: Hot Gossip, Walk of Shame, Bond Girl, Love Trap, Supersize Me, Pillow Talk, Savage Rose, Pink Venus.

Charlotte Tilbury Lip Cheat Re-shape & Re-size Lip Liner

唇線筆一般都係乾身d,因為佢要幫你hold住你d唇膏色唔好走黎走去,所以佢地一般都會比較持久! Charlotte Tilbury呢款都一樣,但係佢好畫唔係勁乾身,都易出到色。 如果咀唇薄,可以用佢近唇色既顏色畫翻個咀型,咁就會感覺豐滿d。 如果你鍾意某隻色既話,仲可以當佢唇膏油晒成個咀添! 不過咁用就會乾身d不過效果好持久! 以上8隻顏色我都覺得好實用,好日常用得到既顏色!我個人大愛就係Supersize Me! 用左覺得係my lips但係better! 我膚色黎講Pillow Talk就淺咗少少,但係如果你白既話,呢隻色好自然好靚!如果揾緊唇線筆既話,可以去玩下!

(English:  Lip liners are usually more dry in texture because its main function is to help holding your lipsticks inside your lip area.  Due to its dryer texture, it’s usually more long-lasting!  Charlotte Tilbury is similar to other lip liners, however it’s quite easy to dry without being super dry and it’s pigmented!  If you have thin lips, you can use a colour that’s close to your lip colour to line your lips, this will give the illusion of a fuller lips.   If you are a fan of a particular colour, you can use it as lipstick all over your lips as well.  For this, it will be more drying, however, the result is pretty long-lasting!  I love the 8 colours above as I find them practical and easy to carry.  My personal favourite is Supersize Me because it just enhances my lips in a very nice way.  For my skin tone, Pillow Talk is a bit light for me; if you have fair skin, this would look great on you!  If you are looking for a lip liner, go play with these at the counter!)


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