The Most Pigmented Tinted Lip Balm: Charlotte Tilbury Hyaluronic Happikiss 

之前跟大家在Instagram開箱了,我近期入手的Charlotte Tilbury產品。 如果沒有在Instagram追蹤我的話,可以按此去追蹤,因為那邊都有很多不同種類的分享。 一拍完開箱片我就急不及待要試試Hyaluronic Happikiss Lipstick Balm,有潤唇膏的滋潤度,但有唇膏的色澤度,誰不心動? 今天就跟大家試色及用後感。

I did a mini unboxing of my recent Charlotte Tilbury haul with you on Instagram. If you haven’t followed me on Instagram, please do click here to follow since I do update there often. Once I finished the unboxing, I couldn’t wait to try the Hyaluronic Happikiss Lipstick Balms. They have the moisturizing effect like a lip balm but they do offer the colour intensity like a lipstick, what not to love, right? So, let me swatch them and share my thoughts with you.

Charlotte Tilbury Hyaluronic Happikiss 

Charlotte Tilbury Hyaluronic Happikiss


整個系列大概有八個顏色,我選了一淺(Pillow Talk)一深(Happi-Berry)。 Pillow Talk是比較日常的顏色,接近唇色,就算不化妝也可以單塗;而Happi-Berry就是比較深的玫紅色,比較隆重的日子,又或者想比較搶眼的日子用非常之美,但亦可以塗一點點再推開,那就會變成一個非常精神的日常顏色。

The whole range comes in 8 colours, I picked one lighter (Pillow Talk) and one deeper (Happi-Berry) shades. Pillow Talk is a very day-to-day colour, it looks very close to the natural lip colour, so it can be used on its own even without other makeup; while Happ-Berry is a berry shade, so it’s suitable for evening or when you want some good attention. You can also apply just a bit and blend out, then it will become a very nice day-time colour.

太喜歡Hyaluronic Happikiss這個產品了,滋潤度非常高,就好像塗潤唇膏一樣。 它沒有豐唇效果但我感覺因為它裏面有玻尿酸,所以塗上嘴之後感覺嘴部有些漲漲的感覺(不是敏感啦),四五個小時都不會覺得乾。 而且晚上落妝之後,還覺得唇紋比較不明顯。真是一大收穫!當然啦,因為這款唇膏以滋潤為主,所以不持久,吃東西喝水是弄掉的。如果追尋持久不脫色的話,這一支不適合啊。 另外要注意的就是,因為它非常滋潤,所以唇膏非常軟身,要用多少就扭多少出來,扭多了是扭不回去的啊!整體感覺非常良好,我自己非常喜歡亦非常推薦大家。如果想搵超級滋潤,又顯色的唇膏,大家快快去專櫃試試看!

I am totally in love with this Hyaluronic Happikiss range, the moisturizing effect is just like a lip balm. It doesn’t have plumping effect but I believe due to the hyaluronic acid inside, lips feel more plumped and a bit tingling (nope, not allergies) after application. Lips don’t feel dry after even 4-5 hours. What’s more is that I notice the fine lines are faded at night after removing the makeup, what a bonus! Of course, since this lip product is focused on moisture, so it’s not long-lasting; it comes off when I eat and drink. If you are looking for something that’s super long-lasting, this series is not for you. Also, one thing to note, due to its properties, the lipstick itself is very soft in nature, just twist out what you need, because after it’s twisted out, it cannot go back! The overall experience is wonderful, I love them and I would highly recommend them. If you want a very moisturising lipstick with a high colour payoff, go check this Happikiss range out at their counters!

Charlotte Tilbury Hyaluronic Happikiss
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