Chantecaille Just Skin Review

我之前都有用過少量Chantecaille既產品,但係我覺得真係貴得黎同我唔係好夾,咁我又無再睇呢個品牌。 之前行過又記得佢地既Just Skin都好似好多好評,咁就心痕又試下(係丫,我講下其他品牌,唔係大家睇黎睇去都係個幾個品牌應該會悶死)。用左一期,不如我分享下用後感。

(English:  I did give a few Chantecaille products a go awhile back, but I really did think they were expensive and didn’t really work on me.  Therefore, I didn’t bother trying their other items.  However, I did pass by one time and remembered that their Just Skin seemed to be popular as well, so I got it and thought I would give this a go (Yea, I want to talk about other brands because I am getting kinda bored myself as well, not to mention you).  I have been using this for awhile and let me share my thoughts with you.)

chantecaille just skin


chantecaille just skin

chantecaille just skin

chantecaille just skin

佢係tinted moisturizer,所以佢係面霜之餘仲有顏色,可以均勻面上既膚色。 佢亦都有SPF 15,但係我就覺得度數低咗少少啦。 我覺得佢質感係中中間間唔太厚又唔係太薄,幾易推。 推開之後有少少滋潤感,但係就唔覺得好笠,不過我通常會再上少少定妝粉等佢唔痴手! 遮瑕度係低,因為佢唔係粉底。 佢只可以均勻面色,唔可以遮瑕。 個finish有少少光澤咁。我覺得佢上面之後好自然,完全唔覺得搽咗野,我定左妝會持久好多,如果無定妝既話,大概4個鐘頭開始溶。 我覺得佢啱唔鍾意化妝但係想均勻下膚色既人,或者係皮膚本身已經係好靚既人,但係如果需要遮瑕既話,呢枝唔適合喇。 我淨係唔洗點出街或者出街一少陣既日子先用到佢。 要出去既日子我根本唔可以用呢枝產品(遮瑕度真係太低啦)。 其實我幾鍾意佢日霜防曬(系數都係低)同埋有少少色,感覺上係好方便,我亦都覺得佢各方面都表現得唔錯,但係我覺得唔值得呢個價錢丫!如果你日日用得到,我覺得OK既。 但係如果你好似我一年無幾多日可以low coverage既話,咁就唔好諗喇。

(English:  It’s a tinted moisturiser, so it’s a moisturiser with a tint of colour, which can even out skin tone.  It contains SPF15, but I do feel that the number is a bit on the low side.  Texture-wise, it’s in the middle, not too heavy and not too light, it’s quite spreadable and skin does feel moisturised after without feeling unbreathable.  I usually do use some setting powder to set this so I don’t feel the wee bit stickiness.  The coverage is low, because it’s not a foundation.  It can only even out skin tone but it definitely cannot conceal.  The finish has a slight dewy finish.  It looks very natural on skin and I don’t look like I have anything on.  It lasts so much longer if paired with a setting powder, if not, then I usually find it starts to melt around the 4 hour mark.  I think this is great for those who doesn’t like makeup but want to even out skin tone or those who already have flawless skin.  If you need coverage, this is not the one.  I can only use this when I don’t need to go out or just going downstairs for some food or something.  If I need to go out (I mean full on out), then I can’t use this at all (the coverage is way too low for that).  I quite like the idea that it’s a moisturiser and sunscreen (though the number is low) in one with the functionality of evening out skin tone.  Yes I find the concept very convenient.  Also I think it performs quite well in different aspects as well.  However, I don’t think it worths the price tag.  If you can use this every single day, then yes absolutely, the cost per use is low.  However, if you are like me, whereby you don’t have many days in a year that you don’t need coverage, then forget about this.)

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