[時尚] 我近期在迷戀的Chanel及Dior珠珠

近期係Chanel同Dior入手左幾樣野。 基本上入手完我要避開呢兩間店黎行! 係,真係好誇張! 不過買到自己好鍾意既野又真係好開心同興奮! 之前我都有將佢地post上過Facebook,但係我真係好想記錄一下。我諗如果你地想入手某d產品,係blog睇相都係清楚好多~~ 哈哈~~

(English:  I did have a splurge at both Chanel and Dior recently.  Well, now I really have to avoid the two stores!  Oh yes, it’s serious!  But I have to say when I am able to get something I love, I am happy and excited!  I have posted the pictures on Facebook before but I still would like to utilize the space here to make a record of this feeling spendy moment.  Also if you are interested in a particular item, then photos in blog are easier on the eyes~~~ Haha~~~)

先黎Chanel個袋! 其實我一直想入手Boy Chanel,因為佢有點rock味,所以同我style非常襯,但係我未睇得啱,所以唔入手住! 我唔係成日換袋既人,所以一買我要買個好鍾意同埋百搭既! 咁本身我係想埋個細細地既Chanel先,因為我發現我無咩細袋,有時唔想拎咁大個袋個陣,真係冇咩袋可以用。 入左去Chanel,左揀右揀左一論,原本以為買唔到啦,點知見到有新貨,睇睇下好愛佢,所以帶佢返屋企!!

(English:  First come the Chanel handbag!  Actually I have been wanting to get a Boy Chanel, because it has that rocky taste, so I feel that it matches my style really well.  However, I haven’t made up my mind on which one to get, so I am holding back!  Since I am not a person who changes my bag everyday, I usually go for timeless design.  Well, I did want to get a small Chanel bag because I discovered that I didn’t have any decent small bags.  Sometimes I just don’t feel like taking my whole world with me, so it’s time to invest in a small bag!  I went into Chanel, tried quite a few items, and thought “not quite what I wanted”.  Just when I thought I had to give up, I saw some new stuff.  After playing with it for a little while, I decided it was coming home with me!!)



(English:  Really like the small studs ~  And it’s not exceptionally small, so I can put it in a few things without the bag getting too heavy~~)

Chanel Ear-rings


我擁有得最多既就係Chanel耳環! 我覺得如果要揀入門item,我覺得佢既耳環會係其中一樣。 孖C款當然係最長青唔會過時既款色啦!  我今次入左兩對,呢對比較classic。 係孖C上面有mini既珍珠,有少少vintage既味道!

(English:  The one Chanel category that I own the most is Chanel ear-rings.  If you want to start your journey with Chanel, I would recommend you start with their ear-rings.  One of the best choices would be Chanel logo ear-rings because it’s basically timeless!!  I bought two pairs this time and this pair is really classic as there are mini pearls on the logo giving that vintage touch!!)


(English:  Another pair:)

呢對係都係新款! 係inspired by cowboy,一望就知!! 我覺得如果你想唔過時,你未必入手呢款,因為真係好seasonal。 但係如果你似我,本身已經有一d Chanel既孖C耳環,想有d唔同既款可以襯下,我覺得呢對夠特別! 可能我自己本身好鍾意星星,所以覺得佢特別靚!!

(English:  This is new as well!!  Inspired by cowboy and I am sure you can just tell.  Well, if you want something timeless, I don’t think this is for you because it’s very seasonal.  However, if you are like me, you have already owned a few pairs of Chanel classic ear-rings, then yes, I think this might be a good idea.  I personally like star shape very much so you can see how glad I am to be able to get these!!)

Chanel Rings


呢對我覺得如果仲有貨而你又喜歡既話,一定要買! 我覺得好抵呀!! HK$2,100一對,但係你可以當兩隻帶呀!! 同埋佢細細隻,你鍾意手指好忙既話,你可以mix其他野。 如果你鍾意清清地,就咁帶又靚!! 襯咩都好易好靚呀!! 超推!! 尤其係你想入門Chanel!

(English:  Ha – this!!  If they still have stock and you really like them – please just get them!  HK$2,100 for a pair is a good deal and you can wear them as two separate rings!  Also they are small in size, if you like to put on many rings on your fingers, you can definitely mix them with other stuff.  If you like quite plain and the non-busy fingers look, you can simply wear them as they are!!  They just go with everything!!!  I highly recommend them, especially if you want to be on board with Chanel!!)

Dior Ear-rings

呢對我原本無研究,但係有一日落舖,見到有位網友帶住呢對珠珠耳環,太靚喇(呢期我好迷珠珠),一問之下知道係Dior,即刻飛過去買~ 哈哈。。。咁就燒死左~

(English:  I didn’t really investigate too much about Dior.  The story started off with me dropping by the store one day and saw one customer wearing this pair of ear-rings, they just look so pretty (yea I am obsessed with pearls these days).  I got told that they were from Dior, so yea – I spun off and got mine!!)


佢有好多隻色同物料揀,你地上Dior個網一查就會查到! 但係我覺得呢對珍珠最靚同最耐看(其他個d我個人覺得唔係好靚啦)! 大粒個邊係耳珠後面,細細粒係前面,而家好多都出類似呢d款,好特別!! 買完之後太滿意,所以成日都帶!! 無買錯呀!!

(English:  There are different colors and materials to choose from, the information is available on Dior website!!  However, after looking at all of them, I like this pearl ones the best (my personal opinion on others are that they are not that pretty)!!  The bigger one goes behind the ears and the small one goes in front – the design is kind of trendy at the moment!!  Well, I am so happy with them that I have been wearing them for quite a few times after getting them!!  Good choice!!)

如果你對呢兩個品牌有興趣,我希望幫到你啦~~ Happy Shopping!!

(English:  If you are interested in these two brands, I hope this piece gives you a bit more information~~~ Happy Shopping!!)


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