Chanel UV Essentiel SPF50



(English:  One of the hottest Spring and Summer topics would be sunscreen (yea and whitening/ brightening), I am going to do a video next month about the 8-10 sunscreens that I have got, but today let’s talk about one of them – I have been trying this and it’s quite nice indeed:)



Chanel UV Essentiel Multi-Protection Daily Defender

SPF50+ HK$475/ 30ml



用後感: 佢呢個系列有兩款,一款係SPF30,呢款係SPF50+。 我揀左SPF50+呢枝因為試既時候覺得唔笠。 唧出黎個下係少少奶狀,好易推同埋好易吸收,吸完係超級清爽。 清爽度我俾好多個讚! 同埋佢無嚴重泛白。 搽完佢係有少少覺得皮膚白咗dd,但係唔係帶咗面具咁,仲要我都搽好多份量,所以我覺得佢唔算係泛白。 So far,我覺得佢各方面都做得幾好,清爽啱而家天氣但係又唔會令皮膚乾,無乜點泛白,又有SPF50+,價錢就唔係好親民,不過如果大牌黎講,呢個價錢唔算離譜。 呢枝我都推架,真係唔錯。 仲有,佢有清清地既香味,唔強烈,都幾舒服,無酒精味,which is good!!

(English:  Product Review:  It comes in two types: SPF30 and SPF50+.  I chose SPF50+ because it was quite light of a texture when I was trying it out in the shop.  It looks like a milky texture, is very easy to spread and absorb.  After absorption, it feels so light on skin.  I would give so many thumbs-up for the light-weight formula!  Also it doesn’t turn white on your skin (not seriously).  Yes, I think my skin does look a bit whiter after application but it’s just ever so slightly.  It doesn’t look like a face mask on my skin.  Well, I use quite of lot of it, so I wouldn’t say it leaves a white cast.  So far, I think it does well on different aspects.  The lightweight formula is perfect for this weather but at the same time it’s not drying on skin, it doesn’t turn you into a horrible halloween character, it has SPF50+… The price is not that friendly but again it’s Chanel, so I can only compare the price to other high-end brands and when I see it in that angle, the price is not ridiculous.  I would recommend this as I just love its performance.  Also, it has a slight scent, it’s quite soothing and it doesn’t give out a strong alcohol scent, which is a bonus!)

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