Chanel Summer 2016 Makeup Collection Ft. Les Beiges Healthy Glow Multi-Colour

Chanel每一季既產品我都入手,原因係佢d BA真係好好,同埋佢地成日有新野都會通知我。 當然啦,我都係粉絲,我覺得佢近呢幾年既出品比較on trend,上面效果多數偏自然,手殘都基本上唔大件事,所以我都好鍾意分享佢地品牌既東東。 今個星期我會一連幾日分享佢地新既collection同埋應該星期六會有bonus video用哂佢地上面俾大家更清楚了解上面效果, 如果有興趣既話就要記得keep住留意喇。今日就先講佢Summer 2016 Collection入面我最興奮既兩粒東東先。


(English:  I do haul quite a few Chanel products each season, I guess one reason is that their BAs are very nice and they do notify me once there is a new collection coming in.  Of course I am a fan girl when it comes to Chanel, I do feel that their collections are quite on trend in the recent years and they look rather natural on the face (no worry if you are not good at makeup at all), that’s why I love sharing their products.  This week, I will be sharing my thoughts on their collection and on Saturday, there should be a bonus video showing everything on my face.  If you are interested, remember to stay tuned.  Today, let’s start off with the two most exciting items (personal opinion) in their Summer 2016 Collection.)

Chanel Les Beiges Healthy Glow Multi-Colour

*Limited Edition




Chanel Les Beiges Healthy Glow Multi-Colour Duo No. 1



試色圖/ Swatches




上面係bronzer,有少少閃,下面係陰影粉,無閃。其實bronzer香港人就真係唔係好多用,因為好多人都係鍾意白。 唔用bronzer既朋友可以用佢做眼影。 至於個陰影粉,我今次真係要拍爛手掌,因為好多品牌都淨係會出好啡既陰影粉,好少出帶灰tone既啡陰影粉,我個人覺得帶cool tone個影先會勁d同埋顯瘦。 我一見到呢個陰影粉就諗起我最愛既Bahama Mama,用落我覺得佢係豪華版Bahama Mama!! 哈哈~~好正! 粉質黎講好幼細同埋好滑。 上色度黎講,我覺得呢個係上色,佢平日既產品多數都要build幾次先去到我想要既顏色,但係呢個比佢平日既出色,兩三下已經搞掂亦都好易blend。 愛! 我覺得唯一有少少可以講係如果香港market,一粒出哂光影同陰影會更加受歡迎。 係,bronzer我都好少用。 哈哈~~ 不過個陰影粉係有驚喜既。


(English:  The upper one is bronzer which contains slight shimmer, and the lower one is contour powder which is totally matte.  Bronzers are not popular within the HK market because many people like to have fair skin.  For those who doesn’t use bronzer, you can use it as eyeshadows for sure.  For the contour powder, I need to give my round of applause on this because many brands do have a contour powder, but they always lean towards the warm brown side, however, this one from Chanel has a hint of grey (oh yea!!).  I personally think that the cool tone inside the contour powder makes the shadow more obvious and in turn enhance the slimming effect.  When I see the contour colour, it immediately reminds me of my fav – Bahama Mama, I don’t think I am too wrong calling this the luxurious version of Bahama Mama.  Brilliant!  The powder is finely milled and smooth to touch.  For its pigmentation, I would say this is pigmented compared to Chanel’s other products.  Usually for Chanel products, they appear quite natural and sheer on skin, you would need to build it up a few times to get to the intensity, however, this one is definitely improved, a couple strokes would do the trick.  Love.  The only thing I could whine about is that for Hong Kong market, I do think we would prefer a highlight and contour in one instead.  True, I don’t use that much bronzer myself as well.  *Laughs*  However, the contour powder does give me a good surprise!)


Chanel Les Beiges Healthy Glow Multi-Colour Duo No. 2


試色圖/ Swatches


上面係光影,有閃,而下面係胭脂,無閃。 光影我覺得帶少少pinky tone,出黎效果係自然唔會係spotlight感。 我覺得日常用,佢係帶光感而唔錯既一個選舉。 如果我自己黎講,我就鍾意金tone(我膚色問題),同埋我一係唔用highlight,一用我就想要spotlight個種感覺。 所以呢個光影,我唔算好愛,我多數用佢搽係眉骨位打亮少少就算。 不過如果你同我掉轉,你喜歡自然光感既妝容,呢個適合架。 去到胭脂,好靚呀個顏色,好sharp,好夏天好醒神。 最surprise佢既上色度係比佢其他產品上色,所以兩下就搞到自己想要既效果,而係感覺自然!!我覺得呢個胭脂色好多膚色都啱,如果你係健康膚色既話就仲啱! 如果有興趣去自己去望下。


(English:  The upper one is a highlight with shimmer and the lower one is a matte blush.  The highlight carries a bit of a pinky tone in this and the finish on skin is fairly natural, nothing like a spotlight.  I think it’s great for daily use because it gives you some sort of brightness without overwhelming your face.  Well for me, I like golden tone (due to my skin type) and I mostly don’t use highlight, but when I use it, I want it to glow like a spotlight, so I can’t say I am really in love with the highlight, I mostly use it on my brow bone to enhance the dimension, that’s it.  However, if you are on the reverse and you enjoy a bit of a brightness to your makeup, then this would work great for you.  For the blush, the colour is very pretty, sharp and summer-y.  The surprising factor is that again it’s more pigmented than Chanel’s other products.  I get the intensity I want out of two strokes and it still look quite natural on skin.  I think the blush colour is great for a lot of skin tones, but if you have tanned skin, oh yea, it would look extremely pretty on you!  If you are interested, go check them out yourself!!)

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