[化妝] Chanel Summer 2015眼影筆

好似好耐無好守規律地寫blog喇! 希望而家開始可以好似之前咁個個星期都出下文! 好啦,我之前敗咗好多唔同既Limited Edition,不過我成日都唔知講唔講好,因為我真係唔可以勁快咁出文,通常去到我出文既時候,都已經賣哂喇!! 哈哈~~ 希望今日講呢個Chanel未賣哂啦,不過開始覺得賣哂都冇咩所謂,因為一係其他品牌會有d差唔多既東東,一係佢地一兩年後又會再翻兜d Limited Collection,而家睇咗當係資料搜集!!

(English:  It’s been a long time since I write my blog regularly!  Hopefully starting from now on, I could really get back to my schedule and release some posts every week!  Right, I always have a dilemma of whether to write about “Limited Edition” products or not because I am not as quick when I come to review things, and also usually when I come to finally review them, they are sold out.  *Laughs*  Well I am not sure if the phenomenon would happen again today.  Let’s just hope that these Chanel babies are not sold out (just yet).  Even if they are sold out, I start to think that it’s not such a big deal, because either some other brands would have similar items, or they will bring the “Limited Edition” products back in a different light after a couple years – so I guess now could be called “research” time!)

Chanel Stylo Eyeshadow Fresh Effect Eyeshadow
(Limited Edition)


全系列有5個色揀! 全部都係限量。左至右:No. 107 Campanule, No. 127 Laurier Rose, No. 137 Olivine, No. 117 Azulejo同No. 147 Caroube。

(English:  There are 5 colors to choose from and they are all limited edition.  Left to right: No. 107 Campanule, No. 127 Laurier Rose, No. 137 Olivine, No. 117 Azulejo and No. 147 Caroube.)


使用次數(No. of Usage):8 times

用後感:佢係眼影筆,特別既地方係佢涼涼地同埋BA同我講佢係防水!自從上年年尾我開始用Laura Mercier既眼影筆之後,我就覺得呢樣野好方便,所以一見Chanel出咗就敗黎試下。 畫上眼真係涼涼地呀!! 我覺得佢好出色,試色圖入面都淨係畫咗一下,大家都見佢出個色係實同明顯! 我覺得blend個方面無Laura Mercier個隻咁易blend,呢隻俾我感覺係薄身d同埋stay得實d,但係用手指用掃都blend到,不過要多過LM幾下咁解jer~ 我覺得佢上眼blend後效果好自然同好summer! 呢幾個顏色都好靚! 我暫時最多用No. 127同No. 147係眼皮,其他3個色我多數用黎做下眼線! 我覺得靚同方便!! 同埋係我對眼(唔油),佢last到成日無問題,所以我覺得好唔錯既一個系列!!我覺得如果你對佢地有興趣又諗緊唔知好唔好用買唔買好既話,等我推一推你落火海—好用呀!!!如果你鍾意用eyeshadow pen就認真地考慮買啦~~~

(English:  Product Review:  These are eyeshadow pens and the one thing that stands out is that they have a cooling effect, plus the BA told me that these are waterproof!  Since I fell in love with Laura Mercier Caviar Sticks, I have been a fan of eyeshadow pens, I just think they are very convenient and easy to use.  So you can imagine my joy when Chanel releases their own.  Right, they do have a cooling effect on eyes (perfect for the ridiculously hot summer time here in Hong Kong).  I love their pigmentation – only one stroke in the swatch and you can see how solid the colors turn out.  Blending-wise, I don’t think they are as blendable as Laura Mercier’s because these are lighter in texture and they kinda stay quite firm on skin.  I can still use my fingers/ brushes to blend them, I am just saying they take a bit more effort to blend than LM’s.  I love how they look on eyes – light-weight, natural and summer-y.  I love all of the colors.  So far I have been using No. 127 and No. 147 the most on my eyelids, and the other 3 as lower eyeliner – very simple to use.  Well, my eye areas are not oily, so they stay really well on my eye areas and I feel that they have done well with this series!!  If you are interested,  but not sure if they are worth the pennies, let me assure you that they are of great quality and I would highly recommend these for you if you are into eyeshadow pens!!)

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