Chanel Spring Makeup 2018

唔知大家記唔記我上年講過少買Chanel同Tom Ford既產品,原因係我覺得出黎出去差唔多,我之前都review左好多。 反而我想去研究下其他我比較少講既品牌等大家有多d選擇仲好。 好喇,到咗2018年,我第一篇化妝品文章係Tom Ford眼影,而家第二篇化妝品係Chanel。 哈哈,係咁啱! 因為Chanel呢個Spring Makeup Collection都有d特別,所以趕埋同大家分享下。

(English: Not sure if you remember that I did say I would purchase less of Chanel and Tom Ford products sometime last year.  The reason was simply that I found nothing new and I had been reviewing their products quite a lot.  So I wanted to investigate other brands which were less talked about by me so that you all could have a few more choices.  Right, now we are in 2018, the first blog post regarding makeup was from Tom Ford.  Here comes the second makeup post and it’s from Chanel.  I can assure you that it’s just a coincidence!  Since Chanel Spring Makeup Collection offers something new and exciting, that’s why I want to hurry up this blog post for you.)


Chanel Spring Makeup Collection 2018

Chanel Spring Makeup 2018


Chanel Les Ombres Eyeshadow Collection Edition No. 1 Affresco HK$735

Chanel Spring Makeup 2018


Chanel Spring Makeup 2018

我買咗Chanel眼影咁耐未見過佢出9色,所以好有新鮮感。 左邊三隻色係matte,其他係閃。 粉質摸落滑,matte色出色度好一般,而閃底既好好多。 閃底都唔係太閃,只係輕微加個立體感。 我唔覺得個palette既顏色好特別,除左中間個三個色,我諗如果會化妝既人都會有類似左右兩邊既顏色。 中間個三個色係我大愛,我覺得好靚但係有唔誇張,左答右答都會襯到好多唔同既眼妝。同埋我覺得顏色黎講一年四季都用得到! 如果帶去旅行都會滿足到唔同既場合。 價錢就真係有d貴喇,因為多咗顏色既關係,所以呢個palette要over HK$700,我唔覺得好值得,但係呢d個個人睇法唔同。 如果你好鍾意入面既顏色既話,我覺得即得入手,雖然matte色唔係非常出色,但係慢慢build無問題。 但係如果你同我一樣,已經係眼影控,我相信你已經有好多差唔多既顏色喇。

(English:  It’s my first time to see Chanel releasing an eyeshadow palette which consists of 9 colours, so I was excited.  The left 3 are matte while the rest of shimmery.  The powder is finely milled and smooth to touch.  Mattes are less pigmented than shimmery.  The shimmery ones are not over the top, they are just enhancing the 3D effect.  I don’t think the shades are something that I have never seen before.  Apart from the middle 3, I think most of us would have something similar to the left 3 or the right 3.  The middle 3 are my favs because they are eye-catching but still wearable.  I also think this palette is very versatile in creating different eye looks and I also believe that this is an all year around palette.  If I bring this to travel, I would imagine that this could tackle all my needs for different outfits and occasions.  The price is definitely on the high end because there are more colours than usual.  Is it worth over HK$700, I personally don’t think so, but everyone is different.  If you are in love with every colour inside, I think you will enjoy it though mattes are not as pigmented, they are still usable when you take time to build.  On the other hand, if you are an eyeshadow lover like me, I believe you have quite a few shadows with similar tones.)


Chanel Illuminating Powder in Or Rose HK$555

Chanel Spring Makeup 2018



Chanel Spring Makeup 2018
光影呢個潮流應該唔會減慢,各大品牌都繼續努力出光影。 Chanel呢個叫Or Rose,都係印得好靚,唔係好捨得用。 佢有另一個colour係白色,但係我唔會用得到,所以我入手呢個。 粉質好滑,有好好好多密麻麻既閃粉,少少白底,多多金tone。 唔錯,上面好pop! 一擰個頭既時候係反光! 日光望落比較自然,黃光望落效果真係好勁。 我唔係日日都會勁highlight,所以對我黎講佢只係特別日子先會用既光影喇。 如果你鍾意自然我諗呢個唔會係你杯茶!

(English:  I don’t think the highlighting trend is dying down anytime soon since many brands are still releasing their versions of the next highlight.  This Chanel colour is called Or Rose.  Same as before, it looks amazing in the pan whereby I just don’t want to ruin it.  It comes in another white colour but I don’t think it matches my skin tone, so I got this one instead.  The powder is finely milled and smooth to touch.  There are tons and tons of shimmer, it has a white base with lots of golden shimmer (tone).  Nice, it pops on skin!  When I turn my head, it kinda looks reflective!  It looks more natural in daylight while it insanely eye-catching under warm light.  I don’t wear intensive highlight everyday, so this is more a special occasion highlight for me.  If you want something more natural, I don’t think this is your cup of tea!)


Chanel Rouge Coco Gloss Moisturising Glossimer in No. 792 HK$270

Chanel Spring Makeup 2018

Chanel Spring Makeup 2018

佢本身係藍色唔會變色,所以我要用翻枝Chanel Holiday Collection唇膏No. 4試俾大家睇。 佢係會令唇膏顏色變暗,所以同韓國既藍色lipgloss有唔同。 左邊無搽792,右邊有搽792,左邊係橙底而右邊加咗藍色之後變得暗咗。 如果自己d唇膏搽到悶悶地唔想大變,加少少藍tone有少少變化都唔錯。如果就咁單搽我就覺得無咩野睇喇。

(English:  It’s a blue lipgloss and it doesn’t change colour when it touches your lips, so I need to use my Chanel Holiday Collection Lipstick in No.4 to show you what I am talking about.  It adds the blue tone into the lipstick and in turn it dulls the colour, so it works a bit different than some of the Korean blue lipgloss that we see.  The one on the left is without 792 and the one on the right is applied with 792, you can tell that the one on the left is orange tone while the one on the right is a bit more dulled.  Well, if you get bored with your lipsticks and you don’t want a dramatic change, this is quite a subtle one with just adding the blue tone.  If you apply it on its own, there is nothing special about it at all.)

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