Chanel Rouge Coco Stylo

我知Chanel近期送左好多呢款新品俾唔同既Blogger,YouTuber,Media,但係我先特別講明,以下5枝都係我自己買,唔係品牌送既。 我以前都同大家提過: 如果係品牌送既我會出聲,無特別講既係自己買,因為我99%既產品都係自己買,如果我野野都要講自己買,我會覺得自己好煩。 但係今次特別要講明係因為其他人收到係5枝,我又咁啱買左5枝,所以我唔想有無謂既揣測話我係人地sponsor但係唔出聲,咁真係唔係丫! 今日我想試下色俾大家望下,而詳細comment呢,大家等我下星期二出片,因為我覺得係片講,大家會明白多d我覺得佢地好唔好用,今日望咗色先丫!

(English:  I know Chanel has been sending these lipsticks to different Bloggers, YouTubers and Media, and I feel like I need to clarify that the following 5 were bought with my own money, and they are NOT gifts from the brand.  I have said this many times before: if the products are sponsored by the brands, I will definitely let you know; and when I don’t specifically mention anything, that means products are bought with my own money.  The reason of doing this is because 99% of the products I review are bought with my own money anyway, and if I need to specify that each time, I would find myself rather irritating and annoying.  This time, I see a potential confusion and I decide to say something because other people received 5 of these, and I have also got 5 to show you as well. I don’t want any accusation saying that I am being sponsored but pretend that I am not.  OK, clarification done.  Today I want to show you the 5 colours, and for the detailed comments, you need to come back next Tuesday because I will have a video up.  I somewhat feel that I can explain more clearly of what I think in a video.  So today is all about these 5 colours.)

Chanel Rouge Coco Stylo

Complete Care Lipshine HK$290@

我唔知大家鍾意邊個顏色多d呢? 我覺得5隻色都好易carry,可能係因為佢好令身既關係,唔會好似matte lipstick咁實色咁搶眼。 我本身買咗3個色,之後BA又留多咗兩個色俾我,我覺得我5個色平日都用得到!我覺得顏色,質感黎講都好適合春夏天用。 嗱,如果你未入手而又有興趣,記得下星期睇我新片,因為我會詳細講我覺得佢好同唔好既地方!

(English:  Which colour is your fav?  I feel that all 5 colours are easy to carry, maybe it’s due to its glossy finish.  They are pigmented but unless matte lipstick, they are not extremely solid in the pigmentation and they won’t be too right in your face, even for the brighter colours.  I first got my hands on 3 of these, then BA reserved 2 other ones for me, making it into 5 in my collection.  I do genuinely think that I can use all of these colours on a  daily basis.  The colours and the textures are great for Spring and Summer time.  Right, if you haven’t got your hands on them yet and you are somewhat interested, please come back and watch my new YouTube video next Tuesday, because I will explain the good and the not-so-good side in details.)

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