[化妝] Chanel Pre-Fall Collection 2012 Swatches & Review

今日星期我係咁寫化妝品, 咁就不如出埋Chanel既試色圖同用後感啦! 你地有心理準備, 我應該有個星期會出Too Cool For School Week, 成個星期都會出佢地既產品分享! 真係敗得太開心喇! 好搞笑, 我發現敗漏咗野, 再去既時候又唔止敗一樣野翻黎!! 好快有我既Too Cool For School敗家video睇喇!

(English:  This week I have been writing a lot about makeup products (particularly eyeshadows).  How about some Chanel makeup as well?  You also have to be prepared that I will have some “Too Cool For School Week” whereby I will write about reviews on them for the whole week!  I had so much fun hauling their products and the funny thing was that the BA missed out one of the products that I wanted and I had to go back, of course, I didn’t make a return just to haul 1 item again, I ended up with a few more things!  I will have the haul vid up very soon!)

好!講翻Chanel先! 之前video就講話我敗咗4樣野, 就係下面個4樣喇:

(English:  Let’s get back to Chanel!!  In my previous vid, I mentioned I hauled 4 products and here comes the fantastic 4:)

Chanel Pre-Fall Collection 2012

Chanel Ombre Essentielle (Single Eyeshadows)

價錢(Price):HK$255/ 1.6g


No. 94 Eclaire

No. 93 Complice

用後感: 我覺得佢呢隻單色眼影係上色過4色個隻眼影! 我揀兩隻都係閃色, 可以做底色又可以做highlight! 上色度理想, 同埋唔會閃得過份誇張! 好靚!! 貴就真係貴! 不過真係靚既!

(English:  Product Review:  I feel that the single eyeshadows are more pigmented than the 4-colored one!  I picked 2 which have shimmery base, they can be used as base colors or highlight!  The pigmentation is good and the shimmer is not over the top!  Pretty!! Quite expensive though!)

Chanel Illuminating Powder with Shimmer
Limited Edition

價錢(Price):HK$540/ 18g

用後感: 我覺得呢個powder真係唔錯丫! 粉質好幼細!最面個層真係爆閃, 但係用完面個層就無咁閃喇(係subtle既閃)! 我有時當佢係highlight/ 成面搽!! 個powder無味既 唔似blush咁有香味! 我自己就幾鍾意喇, 不過如果你問我覺佢值唔值HK$540, 我又覺得唔係好值, 當然如果你同我一樣係Chanel Fans就另計啦! 如果你只係想揾隻pressed powder/ 閃閃地highlight, 仲有好多好嘅選擇!

(English:  Product Review:  This powder is quite nice!  The texture is very fine!  The surface layer is super bling but after the surface layer, the shimmer is actually very subtle!  I use it as a highlight or loose powder!  The powder is with no scent, not like its blush!!  I quite like it myself but if you ask me if it’s worth HK$540, I would say NO.  Of course, it would be another story if you are a Chanel Fan (like myself) as well.  If you are just looking for a pressed powder/ highlight, there are other good choices as well!)

Chanel Powder Blush No. 72 Rose Initiale

價錢(Price):HK$380/ 4g

用後感: 我之前買咗No. 69, 超鍾意呀!!! 今次見有新色我就敗埋! 我超鍾意佢有香味, 朝早用真係好開心好醒神! 佢地呢隻blush都好上色, 同埋出黎個色係好自然好靚! 大愛呀!! 我應該會繼續買佢地既blush, 真係好好用! 如果你未接觸過Chanel化妝品, 我會推你試佢地既blush先(foundation都得!)!!

(English:  I got No. 69 before and it’s one of my favourites!!  I saw this new color and I just had to get this.  I am addicted to its scent and it feels really great to use it in the morning!  The blush is pigmented and the effect is very natural and beautiful!  I absolutely love this!!  And I will keep getting their blushes because they really good!  If you haven’t used any of Chanel makeup before, I would recommend you try their blush first (foundations are fine too!)!!!)

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