[保養] Chanel No5 Intense Bath Oil

大家X’mas有無敗家? 我年年敗得最勁都係X’mas同自己生日(一月就係喇),今年都一樣啦!! 我之前個敗家video有講話我買咗Chanel呢個一年出一次既Intense Bath Oil,雖然video裡面都有講過少少,但係都想係blog記錄一下!! 哈哈!!!

(English:  Have you hauled anything during X’mas?  I usually hauled quite a few stuff during X’mas and my birthday (in January).  I guess I did carry that tradition to this year as well!  I mentioned that I got this Chanel Intense Bath Oil in my X’mas haul video, though I did talk a bit about this, I wanted to keep a record on my blog as well (yea it’s Chanel!)!!!)


Chanel No5 Intense Bath Oil


價錢(Price):HK$710/ 250ml



Before Blending



使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times

用後感: 如果你有bath tub,你可以加入你既bath tub入面做浸浴。 但係如果你無bath tub,咁就可以用黎當係shower product,不過用法係用佢搽完身(乾身用),之後開水沖走(唔洗再用shower gel)。 佢個texture係油狀,但係你見相都望到佢係好稀身,同埋按完之後係唔會痴笠笠,佢真係超易俾皮膚吸收! 按完之後過水既時候係見到有少少乳化既狀況,過哂水抹乾皮膚個下真係好滑同埋好潤, 但係又唔會覺得好肥好笠!! 正!! 佢呢個產品一年先出一次,我唔肯定而家仲有無得賣,但係如果你皮膚好乾,你又鍾意Chanel No5陣味同想試下既話,你真係要快手去問下有無喇!!! 沖緊個陣真香到爆咗!!好正呀!!! 我自己就唔會日日用,都貴麻。 反而係特別日子想reward下自己就會拎佢黎用!! 哈哈!!! 前幾年無買佢,因為覺得好似係gimmick野,但係今年用左之後我又改觀,因為真係好好用,但係如果價錢唔咁嚇人就仲perfect!! 我都會揾下有無差唔多既代替品,如果有既話,我都再同大家分享~~

(English:  Product Review: If you have a bath tub, you can add this into the water for bathing purpose.  However, if you don’t have a bath tub, you can use this as a shower product as well.  The method is very simple, take off your clothes, apply this oil all over your body first (when your skin is dry), then rinse it and you don’t need to use any shower gel.  Its texture is oily, but as you can see from the photos, it’s of a very light weight.  Plus, after massaging it into your skin, it’s absorbed rather quickly and you won’t feel any grease on skin!  When I rinse my skin, I see a bit of it turn milky and got rinsed off (not much though).  After rinsing and drying my skin, my skin is definitely smooth and moisturized (absolutely no sticky or heavy feeling).  Brilliant!!  It only comes out once a year and I am not sure if you can still get your hands on it.  But if you have dry skin, you like Chanel No. 5 scent and you want to give this a try, please go check out at the counter!  The scent is wonderful!!!  As I said before, I won’t use it everyday since it’s so pricey, but I would definitely use this on the days when I want a special treat for myself.  *Laughs*  I didn’t get it a few years before only because I thought it was all gimmicky, but now, after the “taste” of it, I changed my mind.  It’s definitely a great product!!  It would even be better if the price is not that scary!!  Well, I will look for something similar in the market and if I find a comparable item, I will definitely let you know!!)



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