Review: Chanel No1 De Chanel Revitalizing Serum


Chanel released a series of N°1 De Chanel series using red camellia as main ingredient.  Since camellia is famous for its vitality, I got really interested and bought the revitalizing serum to try.  I used it a few times and now let me share my thoughts with you.

Chanel N°1 De Chanel Revitalizing Serum HK$970/30ml

Chanel No1 De Chanel Revitalizing Serum Review


Chanel一號紅山茶花精華液主要做抗老和增加皮膚光澤感,質地輕盈,非常薄身,超級容易吸收。 我用平日精華素的份量,覺得不夠,要多加一些份量才可以。 佢有淡淡的香氣,好舒服。 可惜嘅的是我覺得它完全不保濕,我用了幾天,額頭出了一大堆紋跟粒粒,這不是敏感症狀,只是水份太低而引發一大堆乾燥現象。 我停用它,再用自己的保濕產品,一星期後回復正常。 雖然它產品簡介當中沒有特別提及保濕,但是我很久沒有試過用一支抗老精華素保濕度低得可憐。 還未可以抗老我就乾紋出一大堆,唉! 我覺得如果用這支山茶花精華液,要另外再加保濕精華素會比較保險。 這個價錢,我覺得有其他更保濕的抗老精華素選擇吧,所以我都放棄了。 如果你跟我一樣屬於乾肌,我不建議了。

This N°1 De Chanel Revitalizing Serum targets anti-aging and radiance.  Its texture is very light and super easy to absorb.  At first I used the same amount as my other serums, but I found it not enough, so I had to up the amount.  It has a light scent as well, it’s rather therapeutic.  However, the sad thing is that it’s not hydrating at all (in my opinion anyway).  I used for a few days and there were a bunch of dry lines and bumps appearing on my forehead.  It wasn’t allergies, it was just a super low level of moisture within the skin and it triggered off a bunch of crazies.  I stopped using it and switched back to my normal hydrating stuff, after a week, my skin was back to normal.  Though in its product description, the focus wasn’t on hydration, it was very unusual for me to experience such dryness with anti-aging serums.  Well, it’s like before the anti-aging effect kicks in, I have already got a bunch of dryness on my face – sighs!  I think if you are going to use this Revitalising Serum, the safest way is to add another hydrating serum.  However, I don’t even want to bother.  With this price tag, I have quite a few other choices for something hydrating and anti-aging at the same time.  If you have dry skin like mine, I am not going to recommend this to you.  

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