NAH: Chanel一號紅山茶花粉底液

Chanel最出名係山茶花,佢出山茶花粉底液我當然好想試啦。 買完,用咗亦都掙扎咗一輪,今日就喺度同大家講解下我對呢枝Chanel一號紅山茶花粉底液嘅感覺。

Chanel is famous for its camellia, so when it released a foundation based on camellia, of course I want to give it a go.  I bought, I tried and I struggled for a bit regarding my review, now let me share my comment on this Chanel N°1 De Chanel Revitalizing Foundation with you.  

Chanel 一號紅山茶花粉底液 HK$650/30ml
N°1 De Chanel Revitalizing Foundation


我幾鍾意佢個包裝,好簡潔有現代感得嚟佢係唧唧咀,比較易控制分量。 佢係屬於流動性比較高,比較稀身嘅粉底。 亦都係因為呢個質地,所以上面效果比較透薄自然,亦有少少潤澤感,但係唔太誇張。 我覺得遮瑕度屬於中等,如果有特別多或者特別深嘅嘢要遮先另外加遮瑕膏,否則一般瑕疵呢枝都遮得掂。 關於持久度,佢有個特別之處,就係啱啱搽上面嗰下覺得平平無奇,但係經過一整日嘅洗禮,佢反而越夜越美麗! 佢唔係唔甩唔溶,只係佢冇甩到溶到一達達,同埋反而佢加咗自己嘅油脂分泌,妝感再靚咗同潤澤咗,呢個係我一個好驚喜嘅地方。 可惜嘅係我本身皮膚比較敏感,每一次用佢都會有面紅嘅問題,落咗妝過一陣就冇咗,但係始終唔係咁安心。 所以如果皮膚冇敏感嘅baby想試嘅話,我都好建議你去試。 但係如果會敏感嘅baby拎個sample試吓先會穩陣啲。

I quite like its packaging, it’s clean, it’s modern and it comes with a pump which is more convenient to use.  It’s a bit runny, feels more liquid-y and due to this texture, it looks really thin and natural on skin.  Plus it gives a bit of a glowy finish without going over the top.  I feel that it has medium coverage, so if you want a more flawless finish, you would need a concealer; otherwise for a day to day use, it’s good enough.  Regarding its longevity, this is where it gets interesting.  When it’s first applied on skin, it looks a bit like “nothing spectacular”.  However after a whole day, it does look more and more pretty!  It does melt and it does come off, however it doesn’t become patchy, also, I find the finish more natural and glowy after a bit of oil secretion.  This is where it gives me the major surprise!  Sadly, I have sensitive skin so every time I used this, it gave me red patches, yea the patches would fade away after removing the makeup, but I still don’t feel too comfortable wearing it.  Well, if you don’t have sensitive skin and you want to give this a go, it would be a YES from me; however if you do have sensitive skin, maybe consider to get a sample for trial first before committing to a full bottle.  

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