Chanel New Les Beiges Eyeshadow Palette & Blush Stick

我都有一段時間無入過Chanel,主要原因係之前都講過,我覺得有d悶,所以想同大家分享多d其他品牌,等大家更多選擇。 話說今次去Chanel都係想入手買佢Gel Touch Foundation,睇睇又買多咗幾樣產品咁。唔緊要,照講。Gel Touch Foundation會同大家做YouTube影片分享。

(English:  It’s been awhile since I went to Chanel.  The main reason was that I felt a bit bored with their products (I collected so many before), so I wanted to try some other brands instead.  This time, I went in to check out the new Chanel Gel Touch Foundation, well, then I ended up with a few things more.  No sweat!  I will share my thoughts as usual.  For the gel touch foundation, I will dedicate a YouTube video to it sometime in the near future.)


Chanel Les Beiges Healthy Glow Natural Eyeshadow Palette HK$565


望到呢個眼影,覺得Chanel走平實路線。 產品個名都叫natural,所以可以想像呢個眼影係化日常妝容,要玩顏色要glamour要有轉變既就唔需要買! 最頂白色係matte,3個顏色有少量珠光,1個色有大量金粉。 BA同網頁都話可以眉同眼都用得。 雖然珠光唔係好閃,上咗眉位日光唔係好見到閃,但係我都覺得怪怪地,眉我一定用全matte既粉,我唔想行入黃燈地方可能有d閃粉係我條眉上面。加上顏色無咩選擇,一定要兩個色裡面有一個啱先可以當眉粉咁用(黑色同閃色根本唔會做眉粉啦!)。所以我覺得唔係人人可以用到呢個方案!如果我當佢係眼影,化出黎係自然風既,而最上既matte米白色用係眉骨位都好實用,不過個黑色我覺得好唔夠黑,網頁話可以當眼線,NO啦,唔夠實色,就算blend smokey都唔上唔落。用得唔夠個眼妝似dirty咗多d。同埋自然風又唔洗有個咁閃既眼影係樹,有d唔係好夾既感覺。 呢個眼影我覺得好一般,我唔特別recommend,呢個價錢有好多自然風眼影選擇,無咩特別!

(English:  When I saw this eyeshadow palette, I thought Chanel had gone natural and practical.  The word “natural” is on the product name as well, so you could have guessed that this is for your day-to-day look.  If you want colour variety, glamour and something for you to mix and match, this is not for you.  The beige colour on the top is matte, 3 of the colours are slightly shimmery and 1 is very shimmery.  BA told me (and it says on the website as well) that it can be used on brows and eyes.  Though the shimmer is not insane, and I can’t see shimmer on my brows under day light, I somehow feel weird.  For brows, I use all matte powder and I don’t want my brows to be “shinny” when I go in somewhere with yellow lighting.  Also, the colour selection is not for everyone, out of the two colours (you won’t use black and that shimmery colour as brow powder, right?), there must be one to match with your brow colour, otherwise, you simply can’t use this as the “brow product”.  Right, what happens when I use this as eyeshadows?  Yes it looks natural and the matte beige colour comes in very handy as the brow bone highlight colour.  However, the flaw comes in the black shade, it’s not that black, isn’t it?  Website says that it can be used as eyeliner.  Nah ah.  The intensity is not great.  I tried using it to create a smokey look, and I feel that it doesn’t offer what I want.  When I don’t use enough, my eyes look more dirty than smokey; when I use more, it’s still not giving me that insane black that I want.  Also, I don’t quite understand the very shimmery colour, I don’t feel that it matches the word “natural” too well.  Well, I have to say, I don’t really recommend this palette.  For this price, I am sure there are so many colours with a better colour combination for you to choose from.)


Chanel Les Beiges Healthy Glow Sheer Colour Stick in No. 23 & No. 24 HK$400/8g@


我之前都見個Chanel出類似既產品,我都買過。呢兩個色都有閃粉係入面,但係係比較疏落既閃粉,無咩highlight效果。 佢講都明係sheer,所以出黎效果係好透薄,有少少水潤咁,好易blend得開,亦因為佢透薄,所以上面好自然。 Blend完會有少少痴手,唔會變得完全爽身,所以鍾唔鍾意就見仁見智喇。可能我膚色深,我要畫成3-4下先有少少色。 我橙色個枝唔係好扭得翻落去,突左少少出黎。 我覺得如果你鍾意Chanel而好追求透薄感既話,你會鍾意呢枝產品,但係如果你喜歡出色唔鍾意塊面有少少痴手感既話,咁呢個產品就唔啱你喇。

(English:  Chanel had previously released something similar and I got them as well.  Both colours contain shimmery instead but the shimmery are more sporadic than intensive.  It won’t offer that highlight effect.  In the name, it says “sheer”, so you know the colour won’t be “bam”!  It looks a bit glowy on skin, it’s easy to blend, and it looks very natural on skin (because it is sheer).  After blending, it feels a bit sticky on skin, and it won’t turn dry, so it’s really personal whether you would like this or not.  Maybe because my skin colour is quite tanned, I need to apply 3-4 strokes to get a tiny bit of colour on my cheeks.  Also, for No. 24, I cannot wind down the product back into the tube.  I think if you love Chanel and you are after something with super natural finish, you will like this.  However, if you like something pigmented and you don’t like any sticky feeling on your face, this is definitely not for you.)

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