另一款Chanel甲 + Nars Luster Blush 試色

近日又愛上做gel甲, 太方便喇。 之前做了一款Chanel甲, 今期又用我嘅想像力去做另一款。 今次係我自己諗個設計出嚟, 所以初初都好緊張, 唔知效果會如何(笑)。

(English:  These days, I fall back in love with gel nail – super convenient!  Previously, I got a Chanel version done.  This month, I used my imagination and came up with another Chanel design.  At first, I was really nervous, not sure how it turned out to be *smiles*.)

今次我用左Chanel經典嘅黑白色。 其中一隻手指畫咗Chanel個logo。 清清地我覺得好classic。

(English:  This time, I went for Chanel’s classic colors – black and white.  One of the fingers, I got Chanel logo drawn.  It’s simple but classic.)

講真, 我覺得個logo畫得好靚。

(English:  Honestly, the logo was brilliantly drawn.)

另一隻手, 我就覺得要有少少變化, 如果唔係就變得太hard-sell喇。

(English:  I liked to have the pattern on my other nails a bit different, otherwise, it might be a bit hard-selling.)

因為Chanel都比較高貴, 佢地好多時都用珍珠係佢地嘅設計入面, 所以我都用左珍珠再加少少閃石, 希望做出比較高雅嘅效果。

(English:  Since Chanel is in association with elegance, and they use pearl in a lot of their design, therefore, I thought using pearl and a few rhinestones would bring out that elegant feeling.)

效果出嚟, 我非常滿意。 當然, 最大功神都係幫我做甲個女仔, 好有心機聽我講之餘, 仲可以將我嘅想像實踐(笑)。

(English:  I was really happy with the results!  Of course, the success was because of the girl who did my nails, she was patient and was able to put my imagination in real *smiles*.)

如果你地都有我對Chanel狂熱嘅程度, 都可以考慮用呢個款式。嘻嘻。

(English:  If you are into Chanel as much as I do, you can consider this pattern on your nails as well *winks*.)

前幾日,我行過Nars。 真係好好好耐都無去過呢個品牌敗家喇。 應該自從我用完佢個Nars嘅胭脂之後, 我就一直迷戀其他品牌。 呢期見佢出左新嘅Larger Than Life Eyeliner,試過上手, 覺得佢都好持久, 所以好心動。可惜, 我去嗰日, BA話我聽呢隻黑色嘅eyeliner全港賣斷事, 所以我要留電話等(唔緊要, 好野係值得去等)。之後, 我就玩下佢其他產品。 玩玩下我就買左呢個胭脂。

(English:  A few days ago, I passed by Nars.  It’s been a really long while since I visited their counter.  When I finished their Nars Blush (Color: Orgasm), I switched to other brands.  These days, they have a new eyeliner called Larger Than Life Eyeliner, I tried it on my hand and I felt that it was long-lasting, so I was really tempted.  Too bad, the day I went, BA told me that the black one was sold out in every Nars counter in Hong Kong, so I had to leave my phone number and wait (I am patient when things are good!!).  Then, I played with other products and this blush caught my attention.)

Nars Blush (Color: Luster)
HK$260/ 4.8g

望落個色好似唔太特別。你錯喇。 哈哈。

(English:  The color doesn’t look spectacular, right?  That’s where you’re wrong *laughs*.)

呢個色帶少少橙, 有少少閃。但係唔會過橙。 我皮膚比較深色, 所以搽上我度唔會太誇, 反而我覺得佢隻色blend in得好好。 如果比較白嘅皮膚都好適用。 比較白嘅人通常要好小心用帶橙嘅胭脂, 唔係會覺得格格不入。但係呢隻色唔會有呢個感覺。好易用。 如果你無用過Nars胭脂, 我可以話你知, 佢其中一個best seller係佢地嘅胭脂, 因為佢又出色有持久, 好值得一試。 無用過就真係可以去揀隻色試下, 保證你唔會後恢(我呢個咁簡短嘅品評算唔算係review?哈哈!)。

(English:  This color has a hint of orange in it and it’s shimmery, but it’s not over orange!  My skin color is tan, so it looks quite subtle on my hand, I feel that it blends in really well with my skin tone.  If you are of fairer skin, usually you have to be really careful in using blush with a more orange tone, but this one should work well for you.  If you haven’t tried any Nars blush before, I can tell you this is one of their best sellers because it’s really pigmented and long-lasting.  It’s definitely worth a try.  If you haven’t tried it so far, go pick a color – I can guarantee you that you won’t be disappointed (is this a review? *laughs*).)

好心急, 希望佢地快d打電話俾我,我超級想試佢地嘅eyeliner。

(English:  I am so excited hoping that they would give me a call asap, I can’t wait to try their eyeliner!!)

仲有, 我開通咗微博, 歡迎關注呀 (微博: http://weibo.com/iamhakme)!

(English:  Also, I recently just opened an Weibo account, if you are there, welcome to get connected: http://weibo.com/iamhakme)

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