Chanel Little Black Key

前兩日我同大家講左話我去左Chanel拎左Little Black Key, 我先share個樣比大家望下先:

(English:  A couple days ago, I mentioned that I went to Chanel to pick up the Little Black Key.  Let me share with you all how it looks like:)


(English:  The outlook is very elegant!)

我未同過佢一齊去Chanel敗家呀, 所以未有idea佢地除左用佢黎pull up d information之外仲有無特別之處.  不過我覺得個樣就真係好靚下.  最衰我個iPhone無得掛啦, 唔係我都會整係個電話度.

(English:  I haven’t tried to use it at Chanel yet, so I have no idea apart from pulling up the client’s information, what other function it possesses.  I honestly think it looks really nice, however, there is no space on my iPhone for this phone charm.  Otherwise, I would seriously consider accessorizing my iPhone with this!)

另外仲有樣surprise既就係我咩都無買, 就咁去拎個Little Black Key, 佢地好主動比左3個sample我 (唔知係咪要同個key一齊比呢):

(English:  Another surprise was that I hadn’t bought anything on the day when I picked up the Little Black Key, and the BA proactively gave me 3 samples (I wonder if those have to be given out with the key)):

有個防曬, 同落眼妝枝野, 仲有就係佢firming條line既精華.  又可以試左先諗下買唔買喇.

(English:  A sunscreen sample, an eye makeup remover sample and a serum from their firming line.  Yay, I can give them a try before the actual spending!  NICE!)

你地有無人都收到Chanel Little Black Key? 

(English:  So, just wondering if you have got the Chanel Little Black Key as well?)

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