增添幾分溫柔: Chanel Les Beiges Eyeshadow Palette – Warm

早前跟大家分享過我入手了Chanel Les Beiges眼影盤Deep這個顏色,用後非常喜歡! 如果錯過了之前文字分享,可以按此回顧。 因為實在太喜歡,所以又入手另外一個顏色Warm,我覺得這個色號增添了幾分溫柔,一起看看試色吧。

I did review Chanel Les Beiges Eyeshadow Palette – Deep before and raved about how much I loved it, if you are not sure what I am talking about, please check this review here.  Since I am very fond of the series, I went back and purchased another colour – Warm.  I think this gives a hint of gentleness, let’s look at the swatches.

Chanel Les Beiges Eyeshadow Palette – Warm


這個除了有打底色,有深啡色,還有一個柔和粉橙色(有點偏粉紅),另外兩個透薄閃色。雖然有一點粉有一點橙,但效果不會太少女,有幾分溫柔,但恰到好處。顏色非常日常,每天都可以用的一組! 粉質幼滑,顯色度蠻高,容易暈染,好喜歡這個系列! 大家有興趣的話都去專櫃試試看啊!

It comes with a base colour, one deep brown, one coral (has a good hint of pink), and two light shimmery shades.  Though the colour looks a bit girly, the effect is just right, it gives a sense of gentleness and ladylike without being too barbie or too girly.  The colour combination is very day-to-day and practical.  The powder is finely milled, the pigmentation is very nice and it’s easy to blend.  I just love this series!  If you have time, check this out at their counters!  

Chanel Les Beiges Eyeshadow Palette - Warm
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