Swatches: Chanel Les Beiges Eyeshadow Palette – Deep

很久沒有買Chanel比較經典的眼影,但我看到了這一盤之後非常燒,因為正正是我喜歡的顏色。 這一盤是Les Beiges系列,所以跟平日大家看到的四色眼影樣子長得不一樣。 因為它不是新產品,我都忘了究竟我以前有沒有買過,我見到我的抽屜裏面沒有,那我就去入手,今天跟大家試色及分享用後感。

It’s been a long time since I last bought any classic Chanel Eyeshadow Quad/ Palette, I saw this and I was very tempted because of the colour combination. This palette falls under the Les Beiges series, so it looks different than the usual 4-colour quads. It’s not a new product so I am not too sure if I bought this before, well, I didn’t see it in my current makeup collection so I went and get one. Let me swatch it for you now and share my thoughts.

Chanel Les Beiges Eyeshadow Palette – Deep

它有不同的顏色,我買了Deep這一盤,我非常喜歡這組的色調,有啡的有金的非常好撘! 我記得以前我測試它家的四色眼影盤,顯色度不太高,所以我對這一盤沒太大期望,但是我一搽上眼之後就非常驚喜,顯色當蠻高,粉質幼細,容易運染。 而且有金粉的兩個金色也非常美麗又不太浮誇。 一用愛上! 配色亦非常日常,想比較裸妝一點就用比較淺的兩個色,想比較搶眼一點,也可以營造煙燻效果! 太喜歡了! 我非常建議大家入手這一盤,大家可以去看看它其他色系有沒有自己喜歡的。 去旅行帶着也超方便! 我也會去看看有沒有其他喜歡的顏色,哈哈! 

It comes in different colour combination and I got this Deep one. I really like the shades – the browns and the golds! I recall my previous experience with their 4-colour quads wasn’t impressive (the colour payoff was a bit mediocre), so I had no expectation on this palette. OMG, I had a pleasant surprise after trying it on my eyes – the colour payoff is nice, the powder is finely milled and it’s easy to blend! Plus, the two shimmery golds are gorgeous without being too crazy! I instantly fell in love! The colour combination is very easy to use as well: if you want to go for more of a natural look, just use the two light colours; but if you want to look more striking, then go for all colours for that glam and smokey effect! I love it and highly recommend it, go to the counters to see if there is any colour combination that you like! Its size is travel friendly too! I think I will go take a look to see if there is any other colours that tickle my fancy!! LOL. Yep, I like it that much!!

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