Chanel La Solution 10 De Chanel 敏感皮膚用既面霜

Chanel第一枝針對敏感皮膚研發既面霜。 睇佢地website話只係用左10樣成份,所以個名叫 La Solution 10,主要舒緩同保濕。 我一見敏感兩個字就好想試,我想知佢有咩特別。我買個陣BA仲同我講話無酒精成分。 我都用左一段時間,所以又分享一下:

(English:  The first cream that is specially designed for sensitive skin type from Chanel.  From its website, this tube only contains 10 ingredients, that’s why the name is called La Solution 10.  Its main functions are to soothe and hydrate.  When I see the word “sensitive”, I usually want to give it a go and see if it’s anything special.  When I was in the store, the BA told me that the cream is formulated without alcohol as well.  Well since I had been using it for quite some time, let me share my thoughts with you:)

Chanel La Solution 10 De Chanel
Sensitive Skin Cream HK$810/ 30ml







用後感:用咗大概三星期。 我第一個感覺係佢質地好清爽好易吸收,同埋佢既香味比平日Chanel護膚品既香味清,唔攻鼻要好近距離先聞到同埋好快散。 搽完皮膚吸完覺得皮膚變得柔軟同埋有輕微滋潤感,保濕效果唔錯,第二日起身無感覺好乾。 我覺得搽咗咁多日感覺係舒服,我亦係呢段無咩敏感(但係我唔肯定關唔關佢事,因為我唔係成日都會敏感)。 舒緩我就唔係好睇到。  皮膚無好咗亦都無差左。 我覺得佢咁既價錢,效果唔係真係好明顯,除左用落感覺舒服唔笠,唔算有好大驚喜。 我知道坊間有好多敏感皮膚用既產品亦都唔需要呢個價錢,有d修復功效仲更加強添~ 我唔會特別建議大家去試,我覺得如果你係粉絲咁無得講,但係如果只不過想買敏感皮膚用得既產品,呢枝唔會係你既首選!

(English:  Product Review:  I have been using this for 3 weeks.  My first impression was that its texture was light and easy to absorb.  Its scent is very light compared to other Chanel skincare products and it disappears rather quickly.  After application, skin becomes soft and feels moisturised.  The hydration is done nicely and my skin doesn’t feel dry when I wake up the next day.  The general feeling is nice and I hadn’t had any allergy episodes (but I am not sure if it’s because of this cream as my allergies are quite unpredictable).  Honestly I can’t see anything related to soothing.  All I can say is that my skin hasn’t become better nor worse.  For its price, the results are not absolutely amazing, apart from “it feels nice on the skin and it’s not heavy”, I don’t think it’s a breath-taking product.  There are quite a lot of skincare products available in the market targeting sensitive skin types and their prices are much more reasonable and some of them have a stronger repairing function.  I don’t urge you to go and try.  Right, if you are a fan of Chanel, then fair enough; but if you just look for something for sensitive skin type, I don’t think this one should be on top of your list.)

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