做到根根分明嘅睫毛膏 ♥ Chanel Inimitable Mascara

好多個月前收到呢枝Chanel Inimitable Mascara做禮物 (唔係Chanel送ga!), 我一路都未開,因為我當時唔知點解有好多枝睫毛膏仲用緊。 近呢幾個月我成功地清咗唔少野(好自豪呀!!), 終於可以開佢嚟用喇。 我用呢隻應該係舊一個version, 因為我記得收到呢枝野無幾耐之後好似出左Extreme喇。 好, 先嚟望望呢枝睫毛膏個樣先丫。

(English:  I received this Chanel Inimitable Mascara as a gift long long time ago (nah, not from Chanel!).  I hadn’t opened it straight away as I was using a couple other mascaras at the time.  With my recent success in clearing up quite a few products, I finally could start trying this mascara.  I believe this one is an older version – I recalled after receiving this one, there was a new “extreme” one coming out.  Well, let’s take a look at the mascara itself first:)

Chanel Inimitable Mascara Waterproof

價錢 (Price): HK$270/ 5g

Product Information:




“The mascara that delivers it all — volume, length, curl and precise separation — in a long-wearing, waterproof formula that won’t flake or smudge. Pro-Vitamin B5 hydrates and conditions lashes to keep them supple and healthy-looking. A unique brush design provides perfect definition of lashes, even the finest.”

擦頭有點肥肥的。擦頭嘅尖端係尖尖地, 等你容易去搽眼頭同眼尾位既睫毛。

(English:  The brush is quite “fat” and the tip is “pointed”.  It makes it easy to apply on the lashes at the corners of the eyes.)


(English:  What’s the effect like?)

使用次數 (No. of Usage): 3 months  用後感: 佢個擦頭雖然肥肥哋, 但係因為擦尖嘅部份尖, 所以都好容易控制。 我自己好鍾意肥肥地嘅擦頭, 我覺得擦起上嚟比較有質感 (笑)。  用左成三個月, 我覺得佢做到幾樣野。 佢可以增長同埋捲曲睫毛。 捲曲個程度係好明顯同埋好持久, 可以keep到成日。  佢令到d睫毛根根分明,好似痴左比較自然既假眼睫毛咁。仲有就係佢嘅防水效果好好,我搽成日有時大風吹到眼濕濕, 佢都無甩色。 不過我眼位唔油, 所以我測試唔到佢防唔防油。  我諗除左我講唔出佢防唔防油之外, 另一尾中不足嘅地方就係佢嘅濃密效果喇, 我覺得唔太明顯。總結就係, 如果你鍾意d睫毛好長, 好捲同埋要好放水嘅睫毛膏呢, 我都好推呢枝。但係如果你要好濃密嘅效果呢, 呢枝未必係你杯茶啊!

(English:  After-use Comment:  With the brush design, it’s quite easy to control.  I personally love fat brush, it feels so solid during the application *laughs*.  After using it for 3 months, I feel that it does a number of things.  It lengthens and curls lashes.  The curling effect is very amazing and long-lasting (last for the whole day!).  It also separates the lashes to make it look long and tidy as well, it offers a similar effect to having some natural-looking false lashes on.  Also, it is greatly waterproof.  Sometimes when it gets windy, my eyes start watering, still the mascara stays on – brilliant!  However, my eye areas are not oily, therefore, I cannot tell you if it’s oil-proof or not.  Apart from this, the other thing that might not stand out is its volumizing effect – it’s not that outstanding.  Overall speaking, if you are looking for something that can lengthen, curl your lashes with great waterproof function, then this is for you.  However, if you are looking for something that adds volume to your lashes, this might not be your cup of tea!)

(The above product information is extracted from http://www.chanel.com)

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