Chanel Hydra Beauty Micro Gel Yeux Review

Chanel呢枝Hydra Beauty Micro Gel Yeux都出左好一陣子,我都用左一段時間,終於可以同大家分享一下我既感覺。

(English:  Chanel released this Hydra Beauty Micro Gel Yeux awhile back and I have been using it for awhile.  Here I am, about to share my thoughts with you.)

Chanel Hydra Beauty Micro Gel Yeux HK$515/ 15ml

Chanel Hydra Beauty Micro Gel Yeux

Chanel Hydra Beauty Micro Gel Yeux


Chanel Hydra Beauty Micro Gel Yeux

Chanel Hydra Beauty Micro Gel Yeux

Chanel Hydra Beauty Micro Gel Yeux

用後感: 佢唧出黎係gel狀,原本應該覺得佢係清爽型先係架,主要功效係保濕,無咩其他特別。 我覺得佢個質感雖然係gel狀,但係推開左之後有d難吸收同埋無一般用eye gel個種清爽感。推完一陣之後覺得有少少油感留咗係皮膚表面(皮膚令左),有少少笠。 我覺得呢枝產品個定位有d怪,如果係gel狀,即係保濕得黎要有清爽感,但係呢枝搽完我覺得感覺同搽eye cream差唔多,表面有少少泛油。 我覺得買得eye gel既人唔會想要呢個感覺丫。 搽完係滑左少少,但係我覺得佢唔係只係保濕,佢有少少滋潤感。 除咗滑左少少,我無咩其他野感受得到。 以咁既價錢,我覺得唔係特別要試,同埋如果你係想買清爽型既眼霜,我覺得呢枝唔係你杯茶。我用完一期個感覺係。。。唔。。。無咩特別。

(English:  Product Review:  It’s in a gel texture and it should feel somewhat light considering its main function is just to hydrate (without any other specialties).  Though it’s in gel format, it’s not too easy to absorb and it doesn’t offer the same “lightness” as per other eye gels in the market.  After spreading, I can see the glossy finish on my skin (some kind of oily residue?) and it feels thicker than most eye gels.  I find the positioning of this eye gel quite strange.  If it’s in gel form, that means it should hydrate but doesn’t leave any sticky feeling behind.  However, I find the “after feeling” of this is somewhat comparable to that of an eye cream (has that glossiness on skin).  I suspect that if people are looking for an eye gel, they wouldn’t enjoy this residue feeling on skin.  After application, skin feels a bit smoother, the problem is I don’t think it solely hydrates, I think it moisturises too.  Apart from smoother skin, I find nothing special about this product.  Judging its price, I don’t think it’s a must-try product.  Plus, if you are looking for a light eye gel, this is not for you.  After I use it for awhile, my feeling is…. hmmmm…it’s really nothing exciting.)

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